Video #2: Crying with the door locked prank

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"Hey Wildcats, it's Gina. Ricky and I are in college. He's a junior, I'm a sophomore. So anyway, he's on his way home from a class right now, and we're gonna prank him with the crying in the bathroom prank. Let's set this up."

Gina places one camera in the bathroom between some towels, and another in the living room right outside of it on the mantle, carefully hidden.

Then it was showtime.

Ricky walked into the apartment. Gina worried he'd had a bad day and it wouldn't be a lighthearted thing to do a prank today.

But Ricky had gotten a 95 on his presentation, and it was a good day for that Bowen boy.


"Hey." Gina walked past him, looking down and speaking in a small voice. She rushed into the bathroom, locking the door.

Ricky attempted to reach it before it was locked, but failed.

"Hey, hey, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, go away!" She sniffled.

"Gi, come on. Let's talk. We haven't seen each other today. What's going on?"


"We don't have to talk." Ricky slid down the door, sitting against it on the floor. "We could cuddle. I could make you food."


"Gigi, what's going on? Who did this?"

"It doesn't matter." She whimpered.

"Yes, it does. My baby is crying. Of course that matters."

She continued to sniffle, refusing to come out for nearly another ten minutes before opening the door and seeming like she was storming somewhere else.

But instead, she stormed to where the camera was hidden.

Ricky shook his head.

"I felt so sad for you!"

"No need."

"Oh it's on, Gina Porter. The prank war's officially begun."

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