Video #3: Ignoring my girlfriend prank

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"Hey, Guys! It's Ricky. Welcome to the channel! So today I am gonna get my girlfriend, Gina, back for her prank by ignoring her for a while." Ricky says to the camera.

"Gina is out getting her hair done today, so I feel kind of bad cause I want to hype her up and compliment her hair, but I will RIGHT after the prank ends."

Ricky sets the camera down in the living room and another in the kitchen.

"So I don't really have a set time of when to end it. If I sense it's getting too hurtful, I just will. Gina's almost home, so let's get ready."


"Hey, Rick." Gina sets down her bag on the counter. "You good?" She chuckles uncomfortably, waving a hand in front of his face.

When he doesn't respond, she slips down onto the couch beside him. "Okay...? Do you like my hair?"


"Did I do something?"




"I made you some food." She says softly, setting a plate in front of him.

She shrugs at his lack of response. "Fine. I give up. This is what you want? I'll go. Text me when you can be mature."

Suddenly her wrist is caught as she turns.

"I'm sorry, Sweetie. I love you! It was the most requested prank."

"Gosh, Bowen. You were sleeping on the couch tonight!"

"I love you." He chuckles.

"Love you, Richard."

"Also, Gi, your hair looks gorgeous. Loving the braids coming back."

"Thanks, Rick..." Her gentle smile forms into a smirk. "Now make me dinner."

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