The kidnapping

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"Any last words?" Caleb said with a cold voice. "Yeah. You're gonna be dead long before I am." Lucy replied. Caleb just laughed and pointed at the camera's on the lid "so I can watch" he said as he put on the lid with an smile. He kicked the barrel in the hole and started burying her alive.

Meanwhile Tim was trying everything in his power to find her. But he is failing, and Caleb took Armstrong. Finally they get a lead and go to the house of Rosalind's uncle. They get to Armstrong and shoot Caleb. But now know one knows where Lucy is.

Everyone is searching for Lucy, but it's impossible. But then Tim saw something glistering on the ground, he went closer and saw that it was Lucy's ring. He started to look around, finally he found her "I've got her! I've got her!!" He screamed and he started digging.
The whole search party ran to him and started digging. He opened the barrel and took her out, when he realised that she was not breathing ge gave mouth to mouth.

On the way to the hospital Tim pick up her favourite food, veggie burger and fries with extra pickles. While he gave it to her he said "I know you too wel"

When Tim went to work Grey called him into his office. "Hey sarge what's up?" Tim asked. "Come sit down" he replied "are you sure you're ready for work again, after you know, everything that happened". "Yes of course! I can't sit around all day doing nothing, you know me!" Tim said. "Are you really sure? I can give you paid time off?" Grey responded. "Yes I'm sure. But I wil be riding solo" Tim said while walking out.

A few weeks went by "it's Lucy's first day back on the job" Tim said to himself and he got ready for work. When he got the station he saw Lucy in the hallway "hey Luce!" he said but then immediately regretting his words. He couldn't have a cute nickname for his rookie, it was unprofessional, so he quickly walked away.
He already sat down at rollcall, but when Lucy walked in nobody even looked at her. It was tradition to clap for someone who has been trough something like that. "Maybe she had convinced everyone not to clap" he thought.

Tim set up the shop, he wanted to take it easy on her. The whole day Lucy haven't said anything. When Tim tried to start a conversation she didn't reply. That was strange because Lucy was always talking his ears off. He didn't think much of it, because after all she'd been trough how would she be able to go back to normal?

When shift was over Tim walked to Angela and Lopez "hey can I ask you two something?" He asked. "Yea sure what's up?" They replied. "Something is wrong, can one of you ride with Lucy tomorrow?" He said. "Tim what do you mean?" They asked, and they looked concerned at each other. "You know, never mind. It's fine, just forget it" he replied as he walked away.

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