the 100

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Name: Natasha Sanchez

Nicknames: Tasha or Tash

Age: 17

Birthday: September 28th 

Hair Length and color: long brown 

Favorite Hair style: curly or straight

Body type:a little plump

Scent: Strawberries and vanilla

Eyes: hazel green

Skin tone: Mediun

Height: 5,9

Likes: pink, likes to hang with family and friends, romance, Books, Music and pink Roses

Dislikes: Liars, Rude/Cocky people, Negativity, Being put on the spot, Bullies,

Fears: closed spaces, spiders, thunder/lightning, clowns, snakes, being alone,

Bad Habits: bite my nails when I'm nervous, playing with my hair constantly, shaking legs

Music: pop, rap, r&b, reggae and other Spanish music

Personality: really shy, bashful, loving, compassionate, sensitive, honest and romantic and very trusting

Sky or Grounder : sky

 Roberto Sanchez (father)(dead)
Nancy Sanchez (mother)(dead)

Friends:  Finn Collins, Raven Reyes, Jasper Jordan, Monty Green

Best Friend: Octavia Blak

Crush: Bellamy Blake

Bio:  Natasha was sent to the Box for stealing medication for her sick  Parents When she got caught Her parents could But not help her and she hasn't seen her parents since doesn't even know if they're alive or dead without the medication

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