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Name: Natasha Sanchez

Nickname (optional): Tasha, Tash and Nat

Age: 19

Gende: female

Hair Length and color: long brown hair

Hair Length and color: long brown hair

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Favorite Hair style: curly or straight

Body type:a little plump

Style of Clothing: really girly loves wearing dresses

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Style of Clothing: really girly loves wearing dresses

Scent: Strawberries and vanilla

Scent: Strawberries and vanilla

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Eyes: hazel green

Eyes: hazel green

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Skin tone:Mediun

Skin tone:Mediun

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Height: 5,9

Hobbies: Singing, Dancing, Writing

Likes: pink, likes to hang with family and friends, romance, Books, Music and pink Roses

Dislikes: Liars, Rude/Cocky people, Negativity, Being put on the spot, Bullies,

Fears: closed spaces, spiders, thunder/lightning, clowns, snakes, being alone,

Bad Habits: bite my nails when I'm nervous, playing with my hair constantly, shaking legs

Music: pop, rap, r&b, reggae and other Spanish music

Whitelighter, Demon, Witch, Mortal, Half?: good witch

Deflection- The ability to deflect the active powers of others.

Force Fields- The ability to control a shield of great amount of concentrated force.

Levitation- The ability to rise into the air and float in apparent defiance of gravity.

Molecular Combustion- The ability to speed up molecules to the point where they combust.

Molecular Immobilization- The ability to slow down the movement of molecules, leaving the being or object immobilized.

Potion Making- The ability to make potions.

Scrying- One of the basic abilities of a , the ability to search with a crystal to find a lost object or person.

Telekinesis - The ability to move objects and individuals by using your mind. It can be channeled through the eyes or hands.

Family: Maria(Mom)

Family: Maria(Mom)

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Gabriel (Dad)

Enemy's: demon and evil people

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Enemy's: demon and evil people

Crush:Chris Helliwell

Personality: really shy, bashful, loving, compassionate, sensitive, honest and romantic and very trusting

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Personality: really shy, bashful, loving, compassionate, sensitive, honest and romantic and very trusting

Which season? Or Made-up: made up

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