10. Concern

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Aarvi's Pov

"After feeding my Aloo, I rocked her to sleep, feeling her tiny body relax in my arms. I gazed into her innocent face, her eyelids fluttering shut as she drifted off to dreamland. My heart swelled with love and compassion for this little one who had lost so much already.

As I made my rounds to check on the other patients, time flew by, and before I knew it, evening had arrived. My shift was over, and I had to head home, but I couldn't shake off the feeling that I was leaving a piece of my heart behind.

As I approached Alaya's ( Aloo ) ward for one last check, my heart skipped a beat. She was gazing longingly at the entrance, tears streaming down her tiny face, her eyes red and puffy from crying. My heart sank, and I felt a lump form in my throat. I walked slowly towards her, my feet heavy with empathy.

Her big brown eyes locked onto mine, and I saw a deep sadness in them, a sense of abandonment, fear, and loneliness. My heart went out to her, and I felt a surge of love and protectiveness towards this little one who had captured my heart.

"What happened, baby?"

I asked in a gentle voice.

Alaya looked up at me with tears in her eyes and said,

"Pweesee don't leve me, yed aunty shaid Mama and dadda left me... but youu pwesee don't go, okayyy?"

(Please don't leave me, red auntie said Mommy and daddy left me... but you please don't go, okay?)

She held out her chocolate to me, her tiny hand shaking.

"I weel givee youu my choco!"

(I will give you my chocolate!)

My heart melted at her words, and I pulled her into a tight hug.

"Don't worry, bacha , I won't leave you, okay? It's my promise."

Just then, my phone rang, breaking the tender moment.

It was Misha who was calling me , I gave my aloo a toy and said her,

"Baby I will be right back ok till then you play with this toy ."

She with her innocent face said ,"okay ."

I moved a side and took the call, but from the other side I heard a loud voice,

With whom are are roaming ? Why are you not lifting my call ? Are you alright? Or did you get a new best friend ? If you did then iam gonna kill you today understand ? Why are are not replying? Are you kidnapped or what ? Repl...,

she bombarded with her questions , she stopped suddenly as I interrupted her .

"Misha Misha listen , how can I speak if you keep on blabbering. "

She said okay speak .

I shared everything with Misha, from the moment I met my Aloo to the heartbreaking story of her parents' accident. I poured out my heart, telling her every detail, and she listened silently, without interrupting me once.

After I finished speaking, there was a long silence on the other end of the line. I wondered if Misha was still there, if she was listening.

"Misha, are you there?"

I asked, my voice shaking slightly.

"Are you listening?"

Misha's response was immediate, her voice filled with warmth and comfort.

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