2. Mischief - Filled Morning

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Author's Pov

The sun peeked through the curtains, casting a warm glow on Aryan's face as he woke up.

Aryan Malhotra was known as the great businessman, a force to be reckoned with in the corporate world. But little did the world know, when he stepped through the doors of his family home, he transformed into a mischievous kid once again.

It was Sunday Morning , Aryan and his younger sister Mahi hatched a plan to prank their unsuspecting parents, Shwetha and Arnav Malhotra.

They giggled with excitement as they gathered their supplies, ready to turn the house into a playground of laughter.

Aryan tiptoed into the kitchen, carefully placing a whoopee cushion on his father's chair. Mahi stifled her laughter, trying not to give away their secret. As Arnav sat down for breakfast, a loud farting noise echoed through the room, causing everyone to burst into laughter.

Arnav looked around, puzzled. "What on earth was that?"

Aryan and Mahi struggled to contain their laughter, exchanging mischievous glances. "Dad, did you just...?"

Shwetha entered the room, her eyes narrowed suspiciously. "What's going on here?"

Aryan and Mahi pointed at the whoopee cushion, struggling to catch their breath amidst fits of laughter. "We got you, Dad!"

Arnav shook his head, a smile tugging at his lips. "You two are incorrigible!"

Shwetha tried to maintain a stern expression, but the corners of her mouth twitched with amusement. "That's enough pranks for one morning, you two!"

But Aryan and Mahi couldn't resist. They exchanged mischievous glances once again and simultaneously squirted water guns at their parents, soaking them from head to toe. Laughter filled the air as Shwetha and Arnav stood there, dripping wet.

Shwetha couldn't help but laugh, shaking her head. "Alright, you two. That's it! No more pranks!"

Aryan and Mahi exchanged high-fives, their faces beaming with joy. They had successfully brought laughter and playfulness into their home.

The Malhotra family enjoyed each other's company, sharing jokes and silly stories. Despite the scolding, Shwetha and Arnav couldn't help but be amused by their kids' antics.

They realized that these kids brought a vibrant energy and a sense of joy to their lives.

As the afternoon sun bathed the living room in a warm glow, Aryan and Mahi decided to take their pranks to the next level. They carefully placed a whoopee cushion on the couch where Shwetha usually sat.

A few minutes later, Shwetha plopped down on the couch, unknowingly triggering the whoopee cushion. A loud farting noise filled the room, and Aryan and Mahi burst into uncontrollable laughter.

Shwetha jumped up, startled. "Oh my goodness! What was that?"

Aryan and Mahi struggled to catch their breath, tears streaming down their faces. "Gotcha again, Mom!"

Arnav walked into the room, chuckling. "You two are relentless!"

Shwetha tried to hide her smile, but it was no use. "Alright, alright. That's enough pranks for today!"

But just as they thought the pranks were over, Aryan and Mahi pulled out their secret weapon - a bucket of confetti. In a flurry of colors, they tossed confetti all around the room, creating a whimsical mess.

Shwetha gasped, her eyes widening. "Oh no! Not the confetti!"

Arnav threw his hands up in defeat, laughing along with his wife. "I surrender! You win, you little troublemakers!"

The room was filled with laughter and joy as the family embraced the chaos. Aryan and Mahi knew they had pushed the limits, but seeing the smiles on their parents' faces made it all worth it.

As the confetti settled, Aryan and Mahi hugged their parents tightly. "We love you, Mom and Dad!"

Shwetha and Arnav hugged them back, their hearts full of love. "We love you too, you little rascals!"

In that moment, the Malhotra family realized that amidst the demands of their busy lives, it was these playful moments that truly brought them closer together. They cherished the laughter, the pranks, and the pure joy of being a family.

And so, with smiles on their faces and a twinkle in their eyes, they continued to create memories, knowing that no matter how successful Aryan became in the business world, he would always be their mischievous kid at heart.


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Sending you virtual high-fives and lots of gratitude.


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