Chapter 5 Bad Dreams

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It was the day of the great voyage. I stood leaning against the deck, while the ship was preparing to set sail.
"I can't believe it!" Lucy exclaimed, "It's finally happening!" She stood beside me.
"I wonder what the Lone Islands will be like?" Ruth asked.
"Probably lonely," I answered sarcastically.
"It's odd a land we rule, and we haven't laid our eyes on it," Lucy mused.
"Well, those are the things about having a country that was just handed to us," I replied.
"It wasn't just handed to us," Ruth corrected me.
"We fought for it," Lucy put in.
"But if it hadn't been for Aslan we'd have lost," I said, "But we did fight hard."
"Pull up the anchor!" I heard Irvin shout.
Peter came up to us girls, "Where's Edmund and Susan?"
"Somewhere," I answered, "In this ship."
"They're going to miss the departure," Ruth said.
"Who said we're going to miss it," Edmund replied.
"I'd never miss it," Susan told us, she placed a hand on Lucy's shoulder.
We watched as the boat made its way from the beach.
"So what inhabits the Lone Islands," I heard Armand say.
"Narnians," Peter informed him.
"Narnians!" Scoffed Armand, "Haven't we seen enough?"
Peter and Edmund both glared at him, I was the one to speak.
"Armand, as kings and queens it is our duty to visit our people, so if you don't like it..."
"Oh, I do, Your Majesty; one wouldn't want to miss such an opportunity to accompany a queen as pretty as you," he replied boldly.
I blushed, but tried to hide it, "I must say, Armand, you are getting a bit bold."
"One can't help but be," he answered.
"Too bold," I heard Peter mutter under his breath.
Lucy and Ruth gave fake coughs to hide their giggles. Edmund stared at Armand warily and I knew Peter was doing the same.
Susan broke the ice, "Armand, so when do you expect Verity to come to visit you?"
"As soon as possible," he replied, "But if Her Majesty wants to."
"Well, I'd...." I began.

"Verity, will not be going to Archenland," Peter finished for me. My smile disappeared, "She has school in Tashbaan."

"She most definitely will be going to Archenland," Susan argued back.

"In that case," Irvin came up to us, "She should come to my place. My Father owns one of the grandest ships in Archenland and Verity here is quite fond of the sea."

"But we are on the sea at this moment," Armand protested, "She can see all she wants to hear."

"Well, there's more she can see at a harbour," insisted Irvin.

"Then I shall come too," Susan replied, smiling up at him.

"Didn't I make myself clear!" Peter exclaimed upset, "Verity is not going to Archenland!"

"She will not go back to that school! We only agreed to one year!" Susan retorted.

"Of course, she will; she agreed to it before you put those foolish notions into her head!" Peter returned.

"Foolish notions, Peter Pevensie...." fumed Susan.

I sighed. Here we go again; I decided to slip off so no one would notice. Climbing below deck, I found myself in the storeroom. I leaned against a barrel. I didn't have any foolish notions. Peter had changed, we had used to get along so well, but now it's like all he wanted to hear was approval for his ideas.

What about mine? He had always said I was the smartest. Did he or Susan even care about what I had to say? But was I brave enough? I didn't want to hurt any of their feelings.

"Verity?" I could hear Lucy call.

"Down here," my voice croaked.

Not only was it Lucy, but also Edmund.

"You want to talk?" Lucy asked.

"Yes," I nodded, "It seems I can barely say anything anymore. Peter and Susan do it for me."

Beyond My Control Book #5Where stories live. Discover now