chp 1

18 4 1

How can something so frightening as a creature of the night look so humble and fragile? Its lifeless body laid in the palms of Lady Sarah, the broken wings that used to glide through the woodlands as the moonlight guided it, they were now at the side of the tree. Hunters chopped the wings off as a symbol of strength but it just showed how cowardly they are. They were afraid the creature would come back to light and hunt them down, men are afraid of what they do not know. So why not educate themselves? They are too ignorant of this world and the creatures that reside within. Lady Sarah touched its upper body, "May your soul replenish in the presence of God." she mumbled. The creature was dead, it couldn't hear her but if it did then it would wake its jaws and shoot fire from its breath.

The three hunters who caught it laughed as Lady Sarah prayed for it, they whistled at her, "You old hag! It's just a stupid bird, go throw it in the river and let the fishes eat it." The hunter in the middle with dark messy hair yelled. His ax in his hand, he waved it and made a face at Madame Sarah.

She turned around and glared at them, "What are you idiots still doing here? Do you not have a wife and kids to feed? Get to work. Now!" She yelled. The hunters quickly wiped off their smug looks and scurried to grab their tools. They took and whispered to each other like gossipers, they turned around and gave a look at Lady Sarah as if they despised her. "Scott, Davis, and Adam. Would your wives be happy to know you all are about to lose your jobs?" The hunters grunted and ran away with their backpacks full of tools, passing the trees and looking for their next prey. I smiled as Lady Sarah defended herself. She stared at their disappearing figures until they were out of sight and now out of mind.

She chuckled to herself, "Idiots." The lifeless creature was still in the palms of Lady Scott, "Don't worry birdie, I'll make sure you can get buried in a spot where the moon shines its brightest." I continued to watch as she tenderly cared for it, she grabbed the wings from the side of the tree and patted dirt off.

"Your wings were very beautiful, it's such a shame that you were killed brutally. If you were still alive I could see your true form. Truly magnificent creature of the night." Tears slipped from her eyes, Lady Sarah had a good heart, she was kind and had lots of love to give. If only Duke Jasper could also see that, he was her soon-to-be husband meaning that Lady Sarah would soon be leaving the East side. We would be losing someone as precious as her. I frowned at the thought of her leaving into the hands of an idiot Duke. What would he know about protecting, caring, and loving for a wife? He was a bully, he had evil and hatred in his heart whereas Lady Sarah only had love and kindness.

Lady Sarah wiped the sweat from her forehead and took a shovel that she stole from the hunters, she began to dig a hole in the ground. It looked oddly shaped and the way Lady Sarah held the shovel suggested she was not experienced in using tools. A small laugh escaped my lips and Lady Sarah's head shot up. "Who's there?" She yelled. Immediately I shut up and froze, the tree was high enough where I could still watch Lady Sarah and she couldn't spot me. However, I just told her that someone was here, that was me. She yelled out again, "If you don't come out I will call for the guards. They will arrest you!" She threatened me with her shovel. I didn't respond from the branch I sat on. Fear crept on me, I don't know if she actually would call the guards on me. There was no way she would do that, right?

"Help! There's someone lurking in the woods, they are trying to hurt me!" Lady Sarah shouted to her guards, they came running in their blue uniforms carrying a sword. The six of them came to her side immediately and she expressed her fear to them. The guards nodded and began to search the area leaving one behind to protect Lady Sarah. One of the guards who was shorter looked at my tree, he touched the base of it.

"Someone has climbed this tree just recently, look at the marks here. They are clearly an amateur." He said to the other guards. Well my bad! I wasn't the best climber, I had only just started this. I looked around me, there wasn't really any other option but to surrender and be arrested. Maybe I should've said something back to Lady Sarah but I was scared that I had been caught. I only just started watching Lady Sarah in the woods when one day she accidentally got lost. I usually sat against this tree and never climbed it until she began to regularly come to this area of the woods.

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