chp 4

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Fire. Fight. People. Death.

These all crossed my mind when I heard the screams from the corridors of the castle, fire was increasing itself along the walls. People ran in many directions, desperate to get away. They didn't seem to mind the fire, they were more terrified of the dangerous shadow that chased them. Panic set off the castle, everything was chaotic and scattered. No order was shown, where was the king? The prince? What was going on out there?

Duke Jasper rushed his way out the weaponry and stared at the scene unfolding in front of his eyes, he gasped and grabbed a sword and put it in my hands. "You both stay here." He ran off into the battle, drawing both of his swords. The moon illuminated them, giving a white glow. The way he slashed the shadows to the ground was mesmerizing, he was a good swordsman indeed. Soon enough, he was gone and slaying other enemies. I pulled Lilly into the room, she was clearly wounded.

"Where are you hurt? Why isn't your lover with you? What happened to him? Does the wound hurt?" My mind was in shambles, I couldn't focus on one topic at a time and Lilly could tell. She let out a weak laugh and held my hand, "Everina. I want you to know that you-"

"This isn't the time for sentimental bullcrap! Let me help you." I unbuttoned her uniform and saw a large cut on her abdomen. It was gushing with blood and I gagged. "It- It looks deep.." She sighs. I helped Lilly lay against the wall, there was no equipment in this weaponry. How do I help stop the bleeding? I rip off my dress and take the cloth, wrapping it around her abdomen to apply pressure to the area. Hoping this helps stop the bleeding until we can find a medic. I was worried for her, she looked pale and was sweating. I searched around the room for a medkit, anything. I found some messy medkit and a jar of water.

I knelt next to Lilly and lifted the cloth, pouring water over it to clean it. "It might hurt." I warned her, she didn't make a noise so I assumed she was just dealing with the pain. I opened the medkit and found some tools to stitch her wound. "I'm not a professional, do you trust I stitch the wound now? Or do you just want me to wrap it to apply pressure and prevent further bleeding?"

"J-just stitch it." She choked out. I got to work on stitching her wound up, I patted the area with another cloth so that it wouldn't be too wet. It continued to bleed, this wasn't good. I shouldn't be stitching the wound yet. "I can't yet. It needs to stop bleeding." So I took the cloth and wrapped it around her abdomen again and made sure it was tight. I gave her some water and she was starting a fever. I sighed, I was really worried for her and the people out there. I had no clue what was going on.

A loud thump by the door startled us. Crap, I forgot to close the door!

"S-stay here, Lilly. I'll be back." My voice trembled. I tried to stay calm and cool for her, she was wounded and if she knew that I messed up she would panic.

I walked out of the room and saw a creature with a large pair of wings. It was ruffled and wounded, it saw me and flapped its wings creating a big gush of wind at me. I flew back into the wall, taking the wind out of my system. I coughed when I landed on the floor, desperate to get the air back in my lungs. The creature stood on its legs and it looked to be smirking, it flapped its wings again and I was further pushed into the wall. I winced when my back erupted in pain.

The creature continued this until an area nearby exploded, causing fire to spread towards us rapidly. Surprisingly, it flapped its wings and the wind took out the fire. It turned its beak at me before flying out the castle, breaking the glass windows in the process. I shielded my face from the pieces of glass flying at me. I got only a few cuts on my forearms, thankfully. I sighed and tried to get on my feet but it was difficult. My head was pounding and the air in my lungs struggled. I tried to crawl back into the weaponry but something stopped me, it was something behind me.

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