chp 2

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The next morning I woke up with a headache and soreness in my lower body, my wrists had been wounded from the chains and was still red. I slept in the servants living quarters and hated the small room, smell, and attitude from the other servants. They all gave me a look when I walked in with Duke Jasper, his hand was behind my lower back despite Lady Sarah that was inappropriate, I absolutely agreed and offered Duke Jasper to hold my chain instead but he refused. One of the kind servants, Lilly, helped me get settled in here quickly. This was the day I would learn about my duties now that I'm working for the castle.

I didn't have a job before this except for selling fish I caught in the lake nearby my house. My father was sick so I tried to do as many things I could do to earn money and buy medicine for him. He wasn't getting better, the sickness that prevented him from getting up from bed was the Petrified illness. It began in the ancient times when the kingdom was ruled by an evil magic user, he spread fear across his kingdom. Until someone was brave enough to fight him, this started the war and eventually the Petrified sickness infected soldiers. My father didn't participate in the ancient war but one of his great grandfathers did, this sickness was very rare in these times. Even now, there is no cure for it. My father suffers in his bed everyday and I'm not sure how long he will hold out. Thankfully, I paid someone to take care of him as I worked the day. Miss Dahlia has helped me throughout these years and without her my father would have not been alive till now.

"Everlina, we should get going now." Lilly called out to me. A white bandana wrapped her hair in a bun and she wore her maid uniform. She waved at me to scurry along.

"Just a minute!" I pulled my hair into a bun as well but not as appealing as Lilly. She was so experienced at this, she must've been doing this for most of her life. I had only just started working here to feed the prisoners in the dungeons, nervousness filled me full to the brim. I picked up the basket and gave one good look at myself in the mirror before running out.

Lilly rushed me to the kitchen, "Everlina you must wake up earlier if you take so long to get ready!" She scolded me.

"Yes boss." I mumbled sarcastically. She raised her eyebrow, "What?" I shook my head. She took my arm and led me into a storage room. I opened my mouth to speak but she stuck a rag in my mouth. I gagged and she pointed at the two incoming figures. It was Duke Jasper and Lady Sarah, she didn't have her maid this morning. I nodded, understanding that Lilly had just saved us a headache.

"Duke Jasper, surely you don't mind my maid Amy? Has she wrong you in any way?" Lady Sarah asked.

"I don't like the way she dresses you, I'm your fiance and I should be the only one to touch you." His words cause Lady Sarah to blush. "Oh, you mustn't say that." She laughs lightly.

"Oh, darling, I mean it." His hand brushes her cheeks, "I love how your cheeks blush." He presses his lips against her cheeks and she freezes. He's a total playboy! Yesterday he was ignoring like a total meanhead and now he wants to act all lovey-dovey! Lady Sarah you mustn't let him fool you. I wanted to expose my hiding spot and yell at her but Lilly held me back.

Once they both left I let out a breath, "That Duke Jasper! He's putting up a total act, how can-" Lilly hushed me with her finger. Bits of her bangs escaped her bandana and she tucked them behind her ear.

"Even if you hate them you can't speak ill of them behind their backs. Have some decency, Everlina." Lilly was right, gossiping was meant for servants who had no sense of morals. I gave in and dusted my skirt. Lilly pushed the storage room door aside.

"Let's get going now before we get into any more trouble." Lilly dragged me into the kitchen, we stood at the counter and stared at the food that was displayed

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