Bill was walking home. He was walking his bike that he named Silver right beside him. He was saying the phrase that his mom told him to say to help him get over his stutter. "He thrust his hands against the p-p-p SHIT." He got home and now he had to run upstairs before his mom could see his black eye which had gotten darker. He opened the door and started to go up the stairs. "Bill can you please come here" his mom asked "Shit" he said under his breath. "What do you want for di- WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR EYE!" She yelled. "Henry B-Bowers was trying to touch Sydney so I kind of p-punched him, and then this happened." He said pointing to his black eye. "Oh honey are you okay?" She asked sweetly. "Wait your not mad?" He asked surprised. "Oh no of course not. You were protecting Sydney. You must be head over heels for her to do something like that." She told him. "What no I-I don't like her like t-that." He lied. "Yeah, okay." She said not believing him.
          Sydney just got back home from Richie's house and she was praying that her dad wasn't drunk. She opened the door. "Hey dad I'm home." "There you are you little shit!" Her dad was definitely drunk. Fuck she thought. "Where were you!" He asked her "I-I was just at Richie's house." She replied scared. "Richie huh! Who's Richie! Is he your little boyfriend!" He yelled at her. "No he's just a friend." She told him. He slapped her. "Don't lie to me! I've heard what people have been calling you! A slut! And that's just what you are a slut!" He yelled. "No dad I promise thats not true." She said crying. He punched her giving her a black eye. "Stop lying! Now get out of my face before I hit you again!" Sydney ran up to her room crying. Once she got in her room she locked the door immediately.
           Sydney looked out her window into Bill's room and saw him sitting on his bed drawing. She grabbed her walkie talkie. "Bill it happened again." She said crying. Bill grabbed his walkie talkie. "I'm coming." He immediately got up, grabbed his shoes and started to climb out his window and up into hers. He pulled her into a hug and she was sobbing onto him. He stood there for a little bit letting her get all her tears out. When she stopped crying they slightly pulled apart. They looked in each others eyes. "Your eye." They both said at the same exact time. They giggled. "Are you okay? What happened?" He asked. "He asked where I was and I said Richies house. He was yelling at me about how he thought Richie was my boyfriend and how I was a slut. And he hit me." She said with tears in her eyes. He grabbed her chin to make her look at him because she was looking at the floor. He used his thumb to wipe her tears off her cheeks. "How about I stay here tonight?" He asked. "I would love that." She said. They walked over to her bed and got comfy. Her head was on his chest. "Good night" she said. "Good night" he said back. She put her hand on one of his cheeks, and softly kissed the other, then she snuggled into him. He was blushing so much that he was sure he looked like a tomato. Then they feel asleep in each others arms. Bill's mom went into his room to tell him good night and realized that he wasn't there. She got worried until she looked out the window and saw him cuddled up with Sydney. "I don't like her like that blah blah blah." She mocked Bill. "liar." She giggled.

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