Oct. 1882.

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Oct. 13th, 1882. 1:39 AM

My master is a strange man. Very closed-off and busy. That's why I rarely see him and have to do everything for him (with the help of other assistants of course.) I'm not complaining, the pay is well. I just think it's odd that I rarely see our master. I think I and very few others have seen him. As I said, he's very closed off. Now I haven't written this to talk about what I already know. I'm writing this to note down how I've been starting to smell something different recently. The only reason I mention my master is because the strange smell is coming from his office, it seems. I haven't asked him about it today, I figured it might be temporary, and he may have dealt with it on his own. I will ask tomorrow if the smell persists, however.

Oct. 14th, 1882. 1:24 AM

The smell was still there today. I asked my master about it. He replied he didn't smell anything, and dismissed me. Perhaps it's my own senses messing with me. That's possible, considering how I've been getting little sleep lately since my master has been planning to hold a ball for Halloween. Lack of sleep and stress, I suppose.

Oct. 27th, 1882. 2:40 AM

It's been a few days since my last entry. I've been far too tired to stay up and write. Preparations for the party have been so tiring.. Especially with that being paired with regular duties for our master.

The smell has been getting worse somehow, I think something may be wrong. Master has been cooped up in his office for a while now… I don't mean to be rude when I say this, but perhaps he needs a shower… I'm sure he will clean up before the party. He may be just as stressed as us..

Oct. 30th, 1882. 3:01 AM

Goodness, I'm so tired, but I want to write this.

The invitations have been sent out, and the ballroom is mostly decorated. By God, it's so beautiful. Dark orange and black ribbons, bows and tablecloths against the cream-white pillars and marble floor… The chandelier is even decorated, the silver metal being adorned in ribbons and crystals.

I did realize something however. I've served my master for quite some time now, but I realized he's never really been big on holding parties or balls. I wonder what's so special about this year that he felt the need to hold one…

Oct. 31st, 1882 5:20 AM

I wanted to write a quick entry before the party today. I am rather excited. The help will be allowed to dress up and join the party as well, which I find very kind. I must be off now, it's time for me to start my morning duties.

Oct. 31st, 9:53 PM

It's a bloodfest. I am hiding in the servant's quarters as I write this. I realized why everything that happened, happened. The smell, the Halloween party, the reason Master hadn't been seen since late September.

He arrived at the party adorned in a lavish cape and intricate mask, all in reds and blacks. But his outfit is not what caught my eye. It was his sickly pale skin, and the two teeth that ever so slightly poked out of his mouth, resting just comfortably on his bottom lip. Fangs.. His own rotting body was the source of the smell. Our master is a vampire. Not even minutes into the party, guests started panicking as everyone was feeling tired. The drinks made them fall asleep. As people started to fall, the Master started to feed. There is blood everywhere in the ballroom, and—

I hear him

hes calling for me

dear god, help me

he wants to speak to me

he is coming closer


Nov. 12th, 1882. 1:35 PM.

My master is a vampire. As am I, now.

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