iii. one bully down.

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Their plan had worked. Karen had been humiliated and ran crying from the movie theater, and no one suspected that it was them that showed the video. They had gotten away with it scotch free.

"We're okay, right?" Imogen asked while they were all huddled together outside after the screening had ended, "I mean, it wasn't that bad, was it?"

"Hell no," Vienna scoffed, "She deserved that shit after everything she did to us, and especially to you, Imogen."

"Exactly," Tabby agreed, "it was a mirror. We held up a mirror to her, and everyone saw who she really is."

They all nodded, feeling slightly better about what they did now that it was over. Noa pulled out her phone, cursing under her breath, "Guys, I should probably go, got curfew. Anyone want a ride?"

"I wish," Tabby sighed, "I gotta stay and sweep up the floor."

Noa nodded before looking over at Vienna, she looked so hopeful that Vienna would accept her offer, but Vienna would once again disappoint her, because Mari was waiting for her in the parking lot.

"Um, Mari is waiting for me," Vienna explained, feeling really bad after seeing the way Noa's face fell, "Thank you for the offer though."

"Yeah, no problem."

The next day Karen Beasley was not at school, and Lola was back to talking to her again, as Vienna had expected. Vienna was sitting in her first period class, when an administrator called over the PA for Imogen to come down to the principal's office.

Vienna froze, had they gotten caught already? Who could've figured out that it was them so soon? Maybe Vienna was overreacting, but the thought of them possibly getting caught had been plaguing her mind since yesterday, and this was just adding fuel to the fire.

Her phone pinged in her pocket, and Vienna pulled it out to see a text from Tabby in their newly created group chat.

meet up by the principal's office when class is over to check on imogen

The bell rang five minutes later, and Vienna walked out of the class and down the hall to the Principal's office, where Tabby, Mouse, Faran, and Noa had all gathered already.

Imogen walked out not even two minutes later, looking very panicked. "We heard the announcement and assembled," Tabby told her, "You okay?"

"Uh, Karen dropped out of the race."

"Oh shit," Noa mutters, "Cause of us?"

"Can you think of another reason?" Imogen asked sarcastically. "And um," She continued, "She also took responsibility for trashing the posters."

"See? Female Patrick Bateman." Tabby whispered, but the reference was lost on Vienna. She really needed to watch more movies, apparently.

"And I," Imogen whispered, looking very stressed out, "I am going to be Spirit Queen."

"Hey, Imogen," Tabby interrupted, "Talk to us, we got you."

Imogen genuinely looked like she was either about to pass out or start crying, so they all led her into the bathroom, helping her sit down before they all surrounded her. "Clanton said, 'like mother, like daughter'..."

A silence filled the bathroom. No one really knew what to say to Imogen after hearing that. None of them had any idea of what it was like to lose a mother, and Vienna, although she had lost her father, knew that Imogen's grief must be tenfold her own, because she wasn't even close to her father, and Imogen and her mother were the bestest of friends. It was a relationship that many people longed for, including Vienna.

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