vi. on the front page

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Vienna got grounded as soon as she got home from school that day. Her mom wouldn't even listen to anything she had to say to defend herself. She had basically just yelled at her for a good forty-five minutes about how this could ruin her chances of getting into a good college, and how she never expected her daughter to get involved in something like this, how irresponsible and out of character it was for her. Her mom did tell her that, thankfully, the soccer coach was letting her stay captain as long as she didn't fuck up again, which Vienna swore up and down to her mom that she wouldn't.

Vienna was still utterly fucked, though, her mom was so pissed that she implemented a fucking curfew on her and only let her keep her phone during the school day because she had to walk home after school, but as soon as she got home she was supposed to shut it off and put it on the kitchen counter, and she was only allowed to go to school and soccer practice until the decision was made by the disciplinary committee, and on the off chance she was allowed to go out, she had to be back before it got dark outside.

Vienna wasn't surprised her mom had reacted like this, after all Vienna was the "perfect" daughter who never did anything wrong and practically raised herself.

She tried not to think too hard about it, if she did, Vienna knew there was a major possibility that she would start crying from the mere stress of it all. She knew she couldn't fuck up again or she would be out of her captaincy and her mom would probably kill her if she was being honest. The pressure was suffocating, she knew she couldn't make any more mistakes like what they did with that video.

The next day came quicker than Vienna would have liked, and she dragged herself out of bed and got ready for school before going downstairs and grabbing her phone off of the kitchen counter where it was shut off and charging. She knew her mom wasn't home, so Vienna grabbed her house keys and left for school.

Once she had turned on her phone, she scrolled through the notifications to see two texts from Lola about what an asshole her boyfriend was and about if Vienna knew of any good parties this weekend, and multiple texts from Noa.

do u wanna come over??
can we meet up before school?
is everything ok?
are u upset with me or smth
can u at least answer so i know ur alive
vienna seriously wtf

Vienna cursed under her breath, Noa probably thought she was ignoring her, which was obviously not the case. Did she seriously just fuck up whatever friendship they might have been rebuilding? No, Noa would understand why she didn't answer, she definitely would...


Vienna walked a little faster, hopefully making it to school with enough time to catch Noa before class started and apologize to her, but fate had other plans.

Vienna walked into the school hallway and immediately bumped into someone who was on their phone. "Shit, sorry." The person apologized, looking up. It was Noa, of all people. "Oh, hey," Noa greeted, sounding slightly guarded, like she was afraid Vienna was about to say something that would hurt her. "Hi," Vienna greeted, before immediately explaining why she didn't answer Noa's texts, "My mom grounded me, for the whole video thing. That's why I didn't answer you last night, sorry."

Noa sighed and Vienna wondered if she was relieved to hear that she didn't ignore her because Vienna wanted to, that it was only because she was forced to. "It's okay, I was just worried about you, that's all." Noa shrugged, and they began to walk down the hallway, but Tabby's voice stopped them. Both Vienna and Noa walked over to where Imogen, Tabby, and Faran were all huddled around a newspaper.

It was an article about Karen and how the six of them apparently bullied her to her death, and it was on the front page.

"Have you guys seen this?" Mouse questioned as she ran over to the other girls. "Way ahead of you, Honrada." Noa responded, looking over at the other girl. "Let's hope the disciplinary committee makes the right decision and demands these bullies immediate expulsion." Faran read out loud, and the six of them looked at each other.

Vienna felt like she was about to throw up and pass out at the same time.

"What the fuck." Vienna muttered, and she felt Noa looking at her, but she didn't look back at her. "We are so dead." Mouse stated, looking down the school hallway.

The school day passed by pretty uneventfully, besides the fact that it felt like everyone was staring at her when she walked down the hallway, but not in a good way. Even at soccer practice that day all the girls were doing their best to act like everything was normal, but Vienna could feel the tension rippling through the team the entire practice.

After practice she was walking down the hallway to leave, and she ran into Noa, who looked like she was about to start crying.

"Hey, hey, what's wrong?" Vienna asked, grabbing Noa's arm to stop her. Noa turned and looked up at her, something was obviously wrong.

"Shawn actually thinks that I started doing drugs again." Noa sniffed, and Vienna sighed, that boy didn't deserve Noa.

"Why doesn't he believe you?" Vienna asked and Noa shrugged, walking alongside the taller girl. "He'll come around, Noa, don't worry." She comforted, even though Vienna herself didn't particularly want him to.

Noa smiled softly, but something else was there, or maybe Vienna was looking for something that wasn't there, she wasn't too sure.

"Do you want me to walk you home? I have to pass that way anyway." Vienna offered, tossing her soccer ball in between her hands, a nervous habit she had picked up when she was younger.

Noa frowned, "I wish, but, I have community service."

Vienna nodded, slightly disappointed, "Oh, okay."

They kept walking for a little, they were both apparently going in the same direction, and Noa looked like something was bothering her, but Vienna didn't want to push her by asking any questions.

"Hey, Vi?" Noa started, "If I told you something, would you swear not to tell anyone else?"

Vienna's curiosity piqued at that moment, and she nodded, "Yeah, of course, I swear."

Noa sighed and Vienna could hear the frustration in it, "It's just that, I saw this thing happen at community service...and I don't know who else to tell about it but you."

Vienna was quite concerned at this point, what had happened at community service? And why couldn't Noa tell anyone about it? And did she really trust Vienna that much? After everything?

"I saw Sheriff Beasley getting a blow job from this teenage boy."

Oh shit.


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i fear vienna puts way too much pressure on herself & it only gets worse from here

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01 ⏰

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