Chpt 3- "Not Alright"

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Lloyd's POV:
Tiredly heading down the monastery corridor, barely passing Kai's room,it's been three weeks since he sustained that anomaly of a wound, and so far, nothing unusual happened,except for the fact Kai has become strangely distant with us, even when we asked him to gain on a mission, he declined.

Deep in thought, not aware of my surroundings, I unknowingly collied into someone, instinctively becoming embarrassed, glaring upward, locking eyes with a heavily under eye bagged Kai, his skin paler than usual, a smile not present, facial expression darkened, I only noticed for a second that his veins were an inky shade of black, why didn't he inform us!

"Kai...why didn't you inform us of this before! We are worried for the sake of your safety every singular moment! Talk to us! Aren't we family?"

Kai: "Tch, family? You left me alone, abandoned like unnecessary baggage while you'd all played ninja, don't lie anymore, I've had enough of this conversation, now if you'll excuse me".

Unable to keep our conversation alive, Kai silently headed for the bathroom, yet, barely visible, his left shoulder bandages were soaked in an dangerous amount of blood, meaning it's still bleeding, and not healed at how did he recover from paralysis so quickly?
Kai's POV:
Right hand tented above my mouth, hunched forward, over the bathroom sink, breathing excessively, constant agonising amount of pain overwhelming every inch of my being, heart rate increased to 90, prepared to cough up more blood, it was unfortunate I'd crossed paths with Lloyd out of least it could've been way worse, especially if that person was Zane.

Kneeling down, upper body barely touching the sink, head flopped sideward, oxygen depleting, inky shade veins spread throughout my body, cause not known, Zane had no answers, making every waking moment for me living on eggshells, not knowing how that inky blade is affecting me.

Vision blurring, eyes narrowing, preparing to force themselves close out of exhaustion, body losing strength, about to come crashing backward, surprisingly someone caught me, pulling my head to their warm chest.

Cole's POV:
Barely catching a soon to be unconscious Kai, Lloyd previously gathered us, informing he lied about being in perfect health, even though we are brothers, Kai doesn't want to burden us with this anomaly of a situation.

Nya's POV:
Lowering myself, thankful Cole managed to catch my brother last second, severely concerned for his health, Zane towered over us both, his facial expression dull.

Zane: "I'm afraid my scanners are incapable of seeing any difference or abnormalities in Kai's body, internal and external, though, I may not be knowledgeable in our current scenario, I'll say this, our best chance is psychically researching information on that mysterious attacker blade, if that backfired...I'm afraid we will just have to make Kai comfortable and keep a close eye on any change or abnormalities"

Lloyd's POV:
Teeth clenched together, regretful for not knowing this would happen, why didn't that attacker come after us too? Why only Kai?

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