Chapter Twelve

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"Have you noticed how the Cullens' eyes change colour? Or, at least, Edward's do?" Bella asked, biting her lip in apprehension of Jude's answer.

The green eyed girl's eyebrows furrowed as she thought through her memories of the past few weeks. She had noticed the unusual bright amber colour of their eyes, the way that sometimes it dimmed to a deep brown, or even black colour - but she had never thought much of it until now. It was a bit odd, really.

Jude nodded, raising an eyebrow to encourage Bella to go on.

"And they're always cold? But not... like - they always feel like cold marble?" Bella stuttered, trying to convey her words in a way that Jude would catch her meaning. 

Two weeks ago, Jude would've shut down Bella's questioning with the fact that they live in the rainiest city in the continental US and that the lights will probably be effecting the colours of their eyes. But two weeks ago, she hadn't seen her best friend transform into a wolf. She was ready to hear Bella out, ready to believe anything was possible and so she nodded again.

"Don't you think that's weird?"

"Definitely, wha-"

Jude was cut off by Charlie's voice asking, "where is she? Where's my daughter?" and the curtain around Bella's bed being ripped open. His face sank in relief as he saw his daughter sat, perfectly healthy. He rushed over and began to check her for visible wounds regardless, barely registering Jude sat beside her until he was satisfied Bella was uninjured. 

"You can kiss your licence goodbye," Charlie turned to threaten a still apologising Tyler while Bella tried to shush both of them. Jude began to laugh, capturing Charlie's attention.

"Jude!" he scanned her over quickly, looking for any further injury, shoulders relaxing when finally assured both girls were okay.

"How is it that both of you girls end up here at the same time? Are you trying to give me a heart attack, huh?" Charlie asked, hands on hips and eyebrows raised as he looked down at the two girls grinning at each other. 

Dr Cullen peeked his head around the open curtain, saving the two girls from Charlie's questioning. He smiled politely at all three, somehow unsurprised to see Jude there.

"Isabella," he spoke, accepting her charts from the nurse stood beside him. 

"Bella," Bella and Jude spoke in unison, turning to smile at each other again. Jude felt pride swell in her stomach, happy to have made such a good friend in such little time.

"Right, Bella. Looks like you took quite a spill. How do you feel?" Dr Cullen looked up as Jude rested her elbows on Bella's bed and Charlie began to lean beside them. A small smile reached his lips - they looked like a family, he thought.

Bella nodded, shrugging, "good."

Dr Cullen continued to check Bella's vitals, nodding in approval. "You might experience some post traumatic stress... disorientation... but your vitals look good. No head trauma, I think you'll be just fine."

Jude smiled enthusiastically, glad her friend was okay. Bella shuffled on the bed, uncomfortable as she opened her mouth to speak before the doctor left.

"You know..." she began, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear, "it would've been a whole lot worse if Edward wasn't there to knock me out of the way."

Carlisle smiled, a muscle in his jaw tensing as Bella spoke.

"Edward?" Charlie questioned, looking between the two girls and then back to Dr Cullen, "Your boy?"

Bella nodded enthusiastically, almost insistent - "yeah, it was amazing. I mean, he was nowhere near me!"

Carlisle's strained smile wobbled as he began to retreat from the ER, "sounds like you were very lucky." And with that, he was gone.

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