I Had To... (Dante x Fem!Reader) | Pdh

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​​​​​​(​This part is going to be based in PDH but part two will be in Mystreet)

(You and Dante are juniors for this part)

Y/n's P.O V

"Dante... I think we should break up," I stammered, tears filling my eyes.

He looked so hurt, I couldn't bear to look at him so I looked at the ground.

He turned and walked back to his friends without saying a word to me. I looked up as his older sister Grace ran up and hugged him.

He put his head on her shoulder and looked as if he was crying.

"Hey, hey, it's OK. We'll get through it," Grace comforted him. She turned to me, giving me an angry glared. Irene, if looks could kill I'd be dead by now.

I looked over at my other friends, Aphmau, Katelyn and Lucinda, who were also glaring at me.

I felt so bad, I did the right thing though. Or did I?

I hurt him, but I also spared the hurt of him breaking up with me when he found out my secret...

When he found out that I was pregnant...

Pregnant, with his child....


After the school day was over, I ran back home as quick as I could. Avoiding all my friends (who probably don't think of me as a friend anymore), and anyone who tried to talk to me.

When I finally reached my house, I ran inside closing the door behind me. I leaned back against the door, sliding down, eventually sitting in the floor. I rested my head on my knees as tears started to stream down my face.

"Y/n? Is that you?" Asked one of my Moms, Stephanie as she looked around to the front door.

I lifted my head, tears streaming down my face. "Y/n? What's wrong? Why are you crying?" Stephanie asked.

I opened my mouth to tell her but nothing came out. "Did something happen in school?" She asked me.

I nodded.

"Oh Y/n, come with me and we can talk about it," she said helping me up off the floor.

I went into the sitting room and sat on the couch while Stephanie went to call my other mom, Lacey.

They both walked into the sitting room and sat down on the couch either side of me, both hugging me.

"Oh Y/n, tell us what happend," Lacey said.

"I-I b-broke up with D-Dante," I stammered, tears still streaming down my face.

"Oh Y/n, it's going to be OK. But tell me, why did you break up with him?" Stephanie asked hugging me even more.

"OK, but you both have to promise not to be mad at me," I sobbed.

Stephanie and Lacey gave each other a worried glance. "We promise we won't be mad," Lacey assured me.

I nodded. "I broke up with Dante b-because..." I began. I took a deep breath before I continued.

"I'm pregnant," I blurted out. My Moms glanced each other, I didn't know if they were happy or upset.

"I broke up with him because I thought I would get over it easier rather than him breaking up with me when he found out that I was pregnant," I sobbed.

"And now all my friends hate me because I broke up with Dante," I explained, tears still streaming down my cheeks.

My Moms hugged me even tighter.

"Don't worry Y/n, we are going to work this all out," Lacey assured me. My Moms looker at each other.

"We were going to keep this for a later stage, but we bought a house a bit away from here and we were going to move there when you left highschool but I think now is the time," Stephanie explained.

"Also, the school I went to when I was pregnant with you is closebye," Lacey began.

I smiled. My Moms always make me feel better

And now, I'm going to be attending Kingswood Highschool For Teenage Moms.

Hope you all enjoyed this one shot!

I'm going to be making a part 2 to this one so make sure to keep an eye out!

I'm going to try and update everyday and maybe even start a few more stories, but don't kill me if I miss a day bc I have exams coming up next month. 😭😭😭

Anyways, hope you all enjoy the rest of your day!


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