Hanahaki |Angst|

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Artwork not mine

19 Chuuya and Dazai

"Mackerel Bastard🐟" is what Chuuya has Dazai saved as on his phone btw

TW: Major character death


Slight gore

Pure Angst

Slight storm bringer spoilers


AN: Wow, straight(gay) into it, welp. I hope you enjoy. (I wrote this at 3 a.m., lol)


1765 words

No one Pov:

It had been a little over a year since Dazai left, Chuuya was peacefully trying to fall asleep but was having trouble doing so, his throat felt scratchy, like something was stuck in it, he had tried to cough it out but nothing would happen so he decided to just ignore it.

He's had this feeling since he found out Dazai defected from the mafia.

He has no idea what it is but doesn't think a scratchy throat is a good enough reason to see a doctor.

He was almost asleep when his phone dinged. He groaned and rolled over, checking what it was before his eyes widened,

Mackerel Bastard🐟

"Hey Chibi! How ya doing!(^-^)/"

seen at 3:18 AM

Chuuya's pov:

"What?" Am I dreaming? No, I can't be. I can't dream, so what the hell? Dazai actually texted me, I stared at it for a few seconds.

The itchy feeling in my throat got worse the more time passed  before I had to cough, so I did.

Back to 3rd pov:

And he did alright, but when he did, he couldn't stop, he kept coughing till it hurt but he still couldn't stop he put his hand over his mouth in hopes to stop the pain bit it didn't help.

After a few more seconds of agonizing coughing, he finally got whatever was lodged in his throat, but when he took his hand away from his mouth, he froze.

"Flower pedals?" In his hand sat almost a full flower worth of pedals spotted with blood, "What the hell?"

His voice was raspy and weak from all the coughing. He ultimately decided he was not likely going to be able to fall asleep like this, so he got up to grab a glass of water, leaving his phone and Dazai's text to be forgotten until late.

Chuuya's pov:

I grabbed a glass out of the cupboard and filled it up with some warm water to sooth the pain in my throat and walked into my office sitting down in the chair and taking a sip of the water before putting it down and opening my laptop, I need some fucking answers.

-Why am I coughing up flowers-

I typed in, not really expecting much but not wanting to go to the doctor, to my surprise, I did get an answer, just not one I expected

-Why am I coughing up flowers-

The name HanaHaki derives from two Japanese words: 'Hana' meaning 'flower' and 'hakimasu' meaning 'to throw up. ' So, when you put the two words together, you get the main symptom of HanaHaki disease, that is, coughing up flower petals and us caused by unrequited love.

"What? What do you mean 'unrequited love'? I don't even love anyone dammit!"

I saw that there was a link to see more and contemplated for a bit before I hesitantly clicked it.

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