Hanahaki 2 |Angst|

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Artwork not mine

At the dungeon part where Chuuya is first introduced.



Bit sad

Dazai being an ass at the start

AN: Chuuya, as a ghost, can't speak because of the way he died. The blood and Camillas blocked his airway, therefore also blocking his voice box.



Dazai's pov:

Where the hell is Chuuya? He should be here by now, Akutagawa has already visited, so he should be here.

A few more minutes passed before I got bored of waiting, I unlocked my constraints and decided to find the answers myself.

3rd pov: Slight timeskip to when the ADA has captured Kouyou

"By the way, Ane-san, where is that chibi? I waited for him in that dungeon, but he never showed."

Kouyou narrowed her "You don't know?" Her voice was stern. "Should I?" They stayed silent for a while before the women sighed sadly, "Chuuya died 3 years ago, I was there with him."

Dazai tensed a bit, his eyes widened. "What? He's... how?" He sounded a bit winded, "Hanahaki, he called me at around 4:00 am for support, he died in my arms."

"But Hanahaki acts in stages. Why didn't he get the surgery?" Despite looking calm, you could hear the slight frustration and sadness in his voice.

"It was acting too quickly. According to him, he had been in the first stage of it since a little while before you left the mafia. He thought that it was just a scratchy throat, so he never saw a doctor for it, but when it acted up, it acted fast. He said it might be because he had Arahabaki inside of him, but either way, a death that should have happened over a 2 month time frame happened within a few hours. He died in my arms that night."

She sounded close to crying, remembering that night.

"He.... couldn't have confessed..?"

"They would have thought it was a joke, like I said, he himself didn't know he was in love with this person until it was too late, so he never got the chance to show any signs that he was in love with them."

"When.. when exactly was this?"

"August 13th, 3 years ago."

Dazai's pov

'But, wasn't that the day that i-... no, it has to be a coincidence."

"Alright... thanks, Ane-san."

As I was leaving, she called out,

"If you ate going to visit, he's buried with the flags."

I nod at her and leave, feeling a little dazed.

Atsushi looked at me worried when I left the room.

"Dazai-san, is.. everything okay? You were there for a long time."

Putting on my usual cheerful front I said

"Everything's fine, Atsushi-kun, I just lost track of time talking! Nothing to worry about!"

"If you say so.."

3rd pov (sorry for all the pov switches ya'll)

Leaving Atsushi, Dazai went to tell Fukuzawa all the important information he got from Kouyou before leaving.

Dazai went to his house to rest and process what he heard, questions running through his head.

'Chuuya's dead..'

'Who did he love?'

'Why did it happen the day I messaged him?'

'Could it be..'

'No, why would he..'



Getting up, Dazai decided to visit Chuuya's grave, maybe then the The situation would stop him being annoying.

Dazai's pov

As I was walking to the cemetery I spotted the flower shop I usually go to to get flowers for Odasaku.

'Eh, why not?'

I decided to get a bouquet of Peach Blossoms, Chuuya's favorite.

"That will be 550 yen sir." (Not accurate)

Handing over the money, I left the flower shop and continued on my way to the Mafia cemetery.

Finally, I arrived, walking around and looking for where the flags were buried.

"There it is." The flags' graves, looking to the right of them I saw it, Chuuya's grave.

"Here you are, Chuuya."

'Chuuya Nakahara, 1967 - 1986'

It was a bit more extravagant than the other graves due to his high ranking, a few other bouquets placed delicately on it.

I walked in front of it, standing for a while before placing my bouquet on it.

I sat down in front of it.

"Hey, chibi... how ya doing?"

".... sigh, I'm sorry, I had no idea you were dead. Pretty out of character for me, huh?"

I stayed silent for a bit before I decided to leave, heading back home.

"Goodbye, Partner."

I headed home and decided to go to sleep the rest of the day away, feeling a little more peaceful than before.


AN: Wow, this took a while. I'm so sorry that it took so long. Anyway, this was a bit rushed, so it was a bit ooc.

The story is not over yet. I still have at least one more part to make.

Anyway, I love ya'll, see you (hopefully) soon!



816 words

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