A leter to you

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Dear Reader

I am Princess Astrid Camille of Noctis. I believe we all have a story to tell. So here follows the beginning of my story

I am the second born , my older brother William is thus first in line for the throne. He has the natural ability to stands out in the biggist of crouds. The people adore him. I did not inherit the ability to do so naturally. So I too certain measures to ensure I too stood out. I dit this by making sure I was the best in everything I did. I can dance, sing, paint, do embroidery, I ride well, I'm well read, I have near perfect etiket. I'm always well dressed, my hair done to perfection and my makeup on point. But I'm shy and that's where Willow comes in.

My mother died during my birth and when I was about 8, my father remarried. My new mother, Briar, was a woman from the village, she used to bake all the fancy cakes and pastries for royal parties. When they married Briar and her daughter, Willow, came to live with us at the palace. At first it was wonderfully! I finally had a mother and sister.

Willow is a loud outgoing individual. And an absolutely beautifull one too. When we first met I thought she was the most charming thing. Kind, compassionate and a joy to be around. I tought her the royal ways. How to dance, laughter, eat, walk, all it takes to be the perfect princess. And she excelled at it, but then I suppose the spotlight corrupted her, it's all she cared about. She did her best to push me out. She even went as far as to complain at father. Who then asked me to step back and be less, well visible.

My father and I have a rather strange relationship. He loves me because I look like my mother, but also resent me for that same reason. And when Briar and Willow came, it's like I no longer existed to him. Forgotten about his old love and excitement for his newfound family I was forgotten.

Over the course of the next 2 years my extravagant colourfull gowns were exchanged for duller ones with simples silhouettes. No more new jewelry and Willow just loved borrowing mine without permission, never giving it back, which made me furious especially since most of my jewelry belonged to my mother. All I was left with was one of her rings that father claimed was her favorite and her diadem.

It took them but a year after Willow and Briar come into the palace to start forgetting about me. I did my best to stay of intrest. Trying to gain my fathers attention by excelling in my classes and  help where I could even by acting up and wearing male attire, but it was in vain. It was almost as if I turned into a ghost. So instead of trying to win a losing game, I embraced the freedom of my new found situation.

Now dear reader should you wish to know how I did that....
Well I suppose you'll have to keep on reading

AN: Hello readers, hope I've got your attention. 
English is my second language so please bear with me. You are welcome to correct me in the comments, but note that it's possible to do so in a polite manner. I'll be writing and altering the plot as we go on. Should you have any suggestions, feel free to tell me in the comments. I'm very exited to see how this book will play out!

Don't be shy and enjoy my first ever attempt at writing a book.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 21 ⏰

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