Shorty (Laurance x Fem!Reader) | Mystreet S1

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Y/n P.O.V

"Wow! This place is amazing!" Kawaii~Chan squealed as we stood outside our new house.

"I know right!" My big sister Aphmau agreed.

"Are you sure we can afford this place?" Katelyn asked.

"Yes, I'm sure," my big sister assured us.

"Aph, what do you even do for a living?" Grace asked.

"Uh- well, u-uh... well, it's uh, it's a night job. I-I really don't wanna talk about it, because I don't word to get around to Garroth and Laurance... um... If they found out, they would be so mad," Aphmau explained.

Grace nodded unconvinced before turning to me.

"Nope, she won't even tell we what she works as," I sighed.

We all headed in and picked our rooms. Since there was only four rooms, Aphmau and I shared the biggest one while Katelyn, Grace and Kawaii~Chan took the smaller rooms.

Aph and I we sorting out our room when I looked out the window and saw a moving truck outside the house across the road.

"Hey Aph, there is more people moving in across the road, wanna go and say hi?" I asked.

"Sure, I'll go get the others and we can head over," Aphmau replied.

We walked across the road and over to the house where the moving truck was.

"Hi there new neighbours, my name is Aph-" Aphmau began before realising who was standing in front of her.

"No, no don't tell me you guys are moving into this house!" She cried.

"We sure are," Laurance said.

"Wahahaha!" Aphmau cried, thumping her head against Grace's shoulder.

"Sh sh Aph, it's going to be OK," Grace said patting Aphmau on the back.

"What's wrong with her?" Laurance asked me, standing beside me resting his arm on my head.

"Um... lemme think... oh yeah, you guys moving here?" I answered pushing his arm off my head.

"Laurance, I know I'm only 4' 11" but I'm not an arm rest," I sighed.

"But your the perfect height for one, shorty," he giggled.

"Shorty, ​​huh?" I giggled shaking my head. He always used to call me that back in highschool.

He really hasn't changed.

Hope you enjoyed this one shot!

I know it's pretty short and there's not much about Laurance and Y/n but might extend it at some stage.

Have an amazing day!

Aphmau One Shots! | x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now