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Hyunsuk's POV
"I'm really sorry about this sweetie" as I pat my son's head he only shrugged his shoulder and gave an okay sign "I told you pa, it's all fine. And grandma and grandpa are with me. Don't worry too much" he answers as he prepare himself for the day.

It was supposed to be a family day on their school but I won't be able to go since there was a sudden meeting that requires me to be with my employer. Feeling a heavy heart, this would be the first time that I won't be able to join Choi Hyun's school day. Feeling annoyed again, I felt my son's calming pats on my hands "Pa, it's really okay. And I know that papa is busy for my future. I won't sulk, I promise. The city is quite far from here pa, you better go now so you would be able to attend the meeting"

Smiling sweetly at my son, i gave feather kisses on his face and say my goodbyes to him and towards my old neighbors.

It's been 7 years now. Choi Hyun is more mature than I wanted him to be, it's like a double edge sword for me. He understood me when things get rough, he doesn't nag, throw tantrums and he hates being unreasonable. But sometimes, I want him to be like how he's supposed to be.

It all went south that day, I-. Shaking my head I should stop thinking about that already. It's in the past, and it should be left in the past.

You might be curious if who I am, I'm Choi Hyunsuk just your regular person. I live paycheck to paycheck and save my money for Choi Hyun's future.

Life is hard, but I won't trade my life with anything else. Choi Hyun is my everything- he is my only reminder of him.

"Just in, it seems that CEO Park Jihoon is tying the knot with his long term fiancé Actress Lee Jinyu."
"Oh that's news, I didn't think that they would get married. I heard somewhere that Jihoon is actually against with everything"
"Well- what do we really know about their life. It's glitz and glamour to be honest"
"I could agree to that, next for our topic-"

That's right, Park Jihoon belongs there. He belongs to be with someone who could take him to the top. Looking at my reflection on the window's bus I could only smile sarcastically on myself.

I should be satisfied- yes. Satisfied. Breathing deeply, I at least once felt loved by the said man. If there's something I regretted it was the day that I was not able to explain everything.

I heard he suffered from memory loss upon waking up from his coma, he was asleep for three months. And after that he was trained to be the next CEO of their company. With his natural charisma, his way of thinking and hard work their business only grew and now everyone knows him, wants to be him or wanted to be with him.

"I miss you bubs. I miss you my Hoonie"

7 years, and it's always you. It will always be you.

Jihoon's POV

"You f*cker- I told you to stop already!"

"Shut up" I muttered as he fight his way to grab the bottle of alcohol on my hands, rolling my eyes I push him for a bit as I know he's a weak ass man. He only glares at me as he was easily pushed on the chair besides me

"Ugh, I'm telling you Park Jihoon you're really incorrigible sometimes. Go ahead fry your liver for all I care. I'm not the one crying on your funeral- Sukkie is"

I stopped mid drinking as I put the bottle down on the center table as I cover my face with my palm. Damn it Sukkie, until now.

"Shut your fucking trap and don't call my man his nickname. You should address him with Hyunsuk Hyung"

Junkyu only shrugged his shoulders "just calm down okay, I know your mother pushed this narrative but you really don't like that actress? She seems fine to me" he answers as he eat one of the fried chicken on the table.

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