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Hyunsuk's POV
With a relaxed morning, the time felt so long.
"Why is it still 9 am. I wanna see Daddy already" he whined as we just have our late breakfast

"Be patient Choi Hyun, by 11 we need to head towards the city so we can reach you Daddy's work place. Are you sure you packed everything of your stuffs?"

As I cleaned around one last time, I look at Choi hyun as he lazily lay on the living room

"I checked it thrice pa, everything is all neatly tucked away."

"That's good, you didn't tell your Daddy about our plan right?" I asked he looks at me "of course pa, it won't be a surprise anymore if I tattled" he answer back full of confidence and I can hear the familiar jester tone his Dad used when he's pranking someone.

Really- no DNA needed to test their father and son blood.

It's been a couple of hours already when we started to travel towards the city
"Why is daddy's company way out in the city center. And the traffic is real bad. What is so attractive in the city anyways?" My child whined as he observes the city in his own perspective.

"There are benefits in working in the city sweetie, more opportunity but there's also a lot of competition. Most of the things here are adnavce or upto date. They set the trend and they have better quality in the health and education system too"

He hummed "I heard one of my friend detest the educational standard in the city tho, he said it was an endless studying. He told me he was so tired and annoyed" he shares, as he thinks about his own future.

"Would you like to study at home Choi hyun? I could arrange for that"

He snickers "Pa, don't worry I could handle it. Just don't make me take excessive things?"

Nodding my head "of course, I turned out alright without all those extra baggage too you know. And I know Choi hyun is smart and hardworking. The best kid in the world"
I complimented him- it's not because I'm just boasting about my kid. It's because it's the truth, he has a high IQ, acing his exams and all. I don't like putting pressure on him, I read that it's not rainbows and butterflies to be a smart person. And I want Choi hyun to enjoy his childhood. He's just 6 years old for crying out loud.

"I'll take note of that sweetie, don't worry"

"Thanks pa! You're the best papa in the world"

"Woooow! Does daddy really owns this building?" Choi hyun asked as we arrived on the company.

"Yeah, Daddy is a great business man."

"Should I also became a business man?" He ponders as I chuckled at ruffle his hair
"If you want to, the I have no problem supporting you. But sweetie, I just want you to focus on growing up and enjoy your childhood more. I know you grew up quickly due to my lacking efforts, now that Daddy is around you can play more for your hearts content. You can let your guard down now love, I and your Daddy loves you to enjoy your life"

"Pa! Don't say that you're lacking. I know that you're doing your best for me, you spend nothing for you and you kept it all for Choi hyun. I am enjoying my life pa, you don't need to worry about that." He smile so sweetly as he climbed on my lap and wrap his arms on my neck.

Looking at my wrist watch it's 5:45, Jihoon told me that he often leaves the company at 6 if he has no prior engagement. Grabbing my phone and handbag, I fix choi hyun's scarf and hat as I did the same for me. Here goes nothing. I muttered as I left the car and went towards the building.

"What can we do for you?" One of the guard asked
"Oh, hello good evening. I'm just waiting for one of the staff in the lobby, if it's okay? I'm worried that my child would catch a cold if I stayed outside for too long"

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