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Hyunsuk's POV

"Love, I tell you. She really looks like you. With that cute nose of her, and that lips. If she could only open her eyes, I know she has yours too" Jihoon excitedly share as he looks at our baby girl. I'm thinking of naming her Byeol- as she's a star on her Papa's eyes. Park Byeol I think it sounds beautiful. Her older twin is named Park Hwan Hei- meaning bright and wisdom. Wishing for the both of them to shine bright wherever they go.

Park Choi Hyun, Park Jin Hei, and Park Kyung Byeol. Our three little treasures.

"Are you doing alright Hyung? You've been awfully quiet?" Jihoon asked as he put Byeol back onto her bed.

"Hoonie, do you think that people besides our close friends and family would accept our babies? I know that it's very, uhm.. disturbing. My condition that is. I'm scared that our babies would deal with disdain from others, just because the one who gave birth to them is a man"

"Is that what you've been thinking this entire time?" He asked as he held my hand.

I nodded and looked at our sleeping twins. Choi Hyun is back at home, Hoonie's older sister is taking care of him.

"Hyung, to be honest I don't know what would they think about that condition of yours. If they're open minded then they would realize that your case is rare and respect it. But if they have narrow heads then they would just be ignorant about it. But Hyung, we don't need to confined our family to their perspective. We have each other, we have our precious babies, we have our family and friends who would back us up. Who would even dare to say anything in my face if I could just drag their family down?"

"Yah park Jihoon! Don't be that malicious okay? I don't want our children to learn your ways of dealing with pests. Do it with moderation" I reminded him and he nods "yes sir!" He answers

"Hyung, is it too much to ask if I wanted us to tie the knot?"

"You're asking such an important question and yet I don't see any rings and you're not even on your knees. How do you want me to agree?"

"Hyung! Don't forget that okay! I'll definetly arrange for everything!!" He excitedly answered, as he abruptly stood up and squeezed me to death.

"You don't really need to bother with anything Hoonie, I just wanted a simple ceremony for us. We can have a larger event when the kids grew up for a bit. For now, I wanted us to register our wedding as soon as possible. I can't always be Choi right? After all, all of my family members are now with Park on their names. "

"Of course love, I will take care of it. Everything leave everything to me"

"What do you mean that you're married?!!!"

Junkyu screeched upon noticing the ring on my ring finger.

"That's what I just said, we registered our marriage certificate yesterday."

He clutched his nape as if he's in pain "i can't believe it, there's someone who's more crazy that Park Jihoon that jerk"

Giggling at his reactions I shrugged my shoulder as I looked at the wall clock, any minute now the twins would be wheeled in here for their meals and for bonding with their "mother".

"That's so unfair Hyung, I mean. I got engaged first but you got married first. Ugh anyways I haven't met up my godson yet, when is he gonna arrive?"

"When did I say you're the godfather?"

"Well, is there someone else as perfect as me?"

Junkyu and his narcissistic personality. Rolling my eyes at his vanity, there was a knock on the door and the twins got wheeled in

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