📚🔪💊 A Broken Promise

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Before we get into all of this, I want to give a few brief disclaimers.

1) We as a whole sys price our own Subspace, and we'd never harm him.

2) Don't come after me if this chapter triggered you. READ THE WARNINGS.

3) This chapter is expressing a side of Subspace that most of us never saw. (from our headcanons)

-Selfharm basicly
-Mentions of unindented suicide

If any of these mentioned above triggers you, please click off the chapter for your own wellbeing. I am not responsible for anything that happens if you pursue with reading after I've warned you.


This chapter takes place 1 week after the initial argument between Medkit and Subspace took place.

Subspace sat on his bed, scrolling on his phone, watching whatever bullcrap he could find, in hopes that it'd help him not think about what had happened.

He hated himself, and he hated what he had done to Medkit.

Why was he such an idiot? Why? All because he didn't agree with his friend?

What happened can't be changed, and there's no hope in wishing it was different.

Subspace put his phone down. He wanted to scream so loudly, he wanted to cry, but he couldn't. Atleast not with his left eye, which still had a shady pink vision due to the acid Medkit had thrown at him when they fought.

He buried his head in his pillows. He remembered all the good times they had together, all the fun.

It hurt.

° ° "C'mon, Subspace! Didn't you say this was your first time going on vacation on another continent? You said you would die to dive in the sea." Medkit nudged him playfully, a warm smie embedded on his face.

Subspace sat on the edge of the low cliff, besids Medkit, hanging like 7 feet above the calm sea water. "It IS my first time on another continent... I just heard that jellyfish have a painful sting..." He said, sheepishly.

Medkit let out a hearty laugh. "Don't tell me that the great Subspace Tripmine is afraid of jellyfishes. I thought you weren't so childish."

"I-I'm not childish! I just-" Before he could continue Medkit pushed him into the water. He swam to the surface. "You- You- Meddy why?!?" He whined, the water being a bit cold because he had gotten used to the warm air. Medkit dived in as well, swimming up next to him. "Because you were afraid of nothing. There are no jellyfish here. Just ordinary fish." ° °

Why did the good times have to end? Why? Because he was selfish?

Because of his actions, Medkit lost an eye. Subspace didn't loose anything.

He felt like... It was unfair. He deserved to be hurt.

Subspace got up, and walked over to the bathroom. He undone his bandages, revealing his pinkish left side of his face. He stared at himself. He couldn't recognize the monster he had become.

He could hear some knocks on his apartments' door. He didn't care. It was unlocked, if anyone wanted to enter they freely could. He had nothing to lose anyway.

He brought his right hand up to his face, covering his right eye, the one he could see clearly with. He brought his hand a bit lower, before he pressed the sharp tip of his claws on his eyelids. He stopped.

He dived one finger in, then another, then- pop. He tore out his eye. Would it be fair now? Woukd everything be okay now?

He gazed at his own bloodied eye, in his hand, as more blood dripped down.

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