Please, Text Me Back (Vylad x Fem!Reader) | Mystreet

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*You have one new message*

"Hey Y/n, it's Vylad, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out today since I haven't seen you in a while. I've missed hanging out with you, text me when your ready,"

*You have two new messages*

​​​​"Hey Y/n, we haven't seen you in a while and people are starting to get a bit worried. Especially me, you never texted me back last week about hanging out and that worried me because you always reply to messages. Please, text me back"

*You have three new messages*

"Hey Y/n, it's been a month since you went missing and everyone is really worried about you. I went and checked your apartment last week but you weren't there. I've never seen Aphmau and Sylvanna so scared before. We called the police and they went on a search for you, but they had no luck yet. Y/n, please, text me back,"

*You have four new messages*

"Hey Y/n, it's been three months since you have went missing and everyone misses you. The police said that you were probably dead, but they never recovered your body. I don't believe that you're dead, I know you're still out there somewhere. Y/n, if you are still alive, please, please, please text me back"

*You have five new messages*

"Hey Y/n, it's been almost a year now and pretty much everyone apart from Aphmau, Sylvanna and I have gotten over your death, well thats if you're even dead. I don't know why I'm still texting this number because I know that you won't respond, but I wanted to say, I love you. Y/n I really do, and I'd give anything to get you back. Y/n, please, please, please text me back"

*You have six new messages*

"Y/n. It's been over a year since your disappearance, and pretty much everyone apart from me, has gotten over your death. They all miss you though, they miss your smile, they miss your laugh, they miss your humour, they miss every part of you. Deep down, I know you're not dead, you're just out there, somewhere. Y/n, please text me back. I love you"

*You have seven new messages*

"Hey Y/n, its been two years now and I really miss you. I don't know what to say this time only please come home. You mean so much to me, and I can't loose you. I love you with all my heart. Please, text me back, if you're even alive at this point.


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