Screams and Cries (Vylad x Scared!Fem!Reader) | Mystreet

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Y/n's P.O.V

Maybe letting Vlyad bring me to a haunted house was a bad idea, especially since the fact that I get scared of my own shadow.

I have liked Vylad for the longest time, and when he invited me to go to a haunted house with him, I asked him if Grace could come along too since she was my best friend.

If course he said yes, and also invited Laurance since Grace and Laurance were dating.

Vylad drove the four of us to the newest haunted house in town. It was in a nearby carnival and most people I know that went in it, said that it was the scariest thing that they have ever done.

Of course it was a bad terrible idea for me to go since I get scared if my own shadow, but I didn't want to say no to Vylad. I have liked him for like ever, after all.

We pulled up to the carnival and hopped out of the car. We bought four tickets for the haunted house and headed inside.

We split into two's, Grace and Laurance went one way while Vylad and I went the other.

Every step made me shiver, I was expecting something to jump out of everywhere but nothing did. And that was because, we hadn't reached the spooky part of the haunted house yet!

Vylad pulled the old door open and it made a loud, creepy, creaking sound. It scared the shit out of me and I let a small scream.

Vylad giggled. "If you're already screaming at me opening a door, I can't imagine what you're going to be like in the real thing," he said.

I giggled nervously as we walked inside. At first, it was all quiet, apart from the floor boards creaking as we walked, but as we went deeper into the room, that's when I started to scream.

A skeleton jumped out at me from the left and another one from the right. Bats flew above our heads and there were ghosts projected onto the walls.

It was terrifying, but the scariest part was when the floorboards broke from under us, and we fell into a giant pit.

I screamed so loud as we fell, even though we landed in a pool of foam cubes. Vylad jumped put of the pool, and felt around the walls for a door.

I quickly took out my phone, turned on the flashlight and jumped out of the pool. "Vylad, where are you?" I asked but no answer came. I shun the flashlight around the room but I couldn't see him

"Vylad, answer me!" I cried but still no answer.


"Vylad, please answer me!"

"Vylad! I'm getting really worried!"

"Vylad!" I called for the last time before I started to get really worried. "Boo!" Vylad yelled from behind me which made me scream really loud and I fell back into the pool of foam cubes.

"Vylad! You scared the shit out of me!" I screamed at him. He laughed uncontrollably at how much he scared me.

"Okay, maybe it was a little funny," I said, rolling my eyes. "A little?" Vylad asked through his laugh. I rolled my eyes again. "Okay it was funny, but you scared the shit out if me!" I cried as a small giggle escaped my mouth.

This was the side if Vylad I liked loved! He could be serious sometimes but he was also really funny and playful, and that's what I loved about him.

Vylad stopped laughing and there was an awkward silence as we gazed into each other's eyes. That's then I closed mine and felt the weight of his lips on mine.

My dream had come true, my crush since forever had finally asked me on a 'date' I guess, and I kissed him, the boy I love more than anyone else in the world.

Vylad Ro'Meave

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