The Moon With The Tides (Katelyn x Fem!Reader) | Pdh

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Kateyln's P.O.V

Tears streamed down my face as I sat on the edge of the school fountain. I couldn't believe he would do that to me.

He just fell out of love, hasn't he ever thought about my feelings? Hasn't he thought that maybe I still have feelings for him? No, of course he hasn't, he's a heartless jerk.

I don't normally cry, but this time was different. I loved him, I really did, but somehow he just fell out of love with me.

More tears streamed down my cheeks as one dropped on my leg. I can't take this anymore, I can't take being hurt by boys anymore. I'm done!

A shadow formed in front of me. I looked up to see a girl with h/c hair and e/c eyes, standing in front of me. It was my friend Y/n.

"Katie? Are you okay?" She asked, worriedly. I nodded. Y/n always called me Katie, she was the only one that did. It was her nickname for me.

I looked up at her with tears in eyes. "He broke up with me..." I sobbed. Y/n sat on the fountain next to me. "Oh Katelyn..." she trailed off as she hugged me.

I smiled. Although I had a boyfriend, I have always liked Y/n. Now that I'm done with guys, she might be the one for me.

"You don't need him, he's just a jerk," she began. "You are a beautiful, strong and kind girl, you don't need him."

I smiled. Y/n always knew how to make me feel better. "Thanks Y/n, I really needed that," I thanked her. "No problem Katie," Y/n said smiling. "Now, cheer up and let's get to class."

Y/n was there by my side for the next few days. She had helped me so much and I was so grateful to her.

"I love you!" Y/n cried as we were walking home from school a few days later. A smile spread across my face, "Y/n, I love you too!"

Y/n smiled as she caressed my cheek. "Do you want to come back to my house?" I asked smiling.

Y/n smiled, "I'd love to." I gave her a quick kiss on the cheek before we headed back to my house.

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