I Need A Girlfriend! (Laurance x Fem!Reader) | Pdh S2

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Laurance's P.O.V

"Just say you have a girlfriend," that is what Garroth had told me to do. It was a good idea to get all those new freshman girls off my back, but I would eventually get caught out.

'Maybe I should just ask someone to be my girlfriend' ​​​I thought to myself. The first girl that came to my head was Grace.

I liked Grace, I really did, but I didn't want to have a pretend relationship with her because it might ruin a real one in the future.

I also thought about Aphmau, but I don't think she's the kind of girl that would agree to that. But I don't think she even likes me anymore, especially after her and Aaron last year.

I sighed as I walked down the hallway. My next class wasn't for a while so I just wandered around when I saw my friend, Y/n, sitting on a bench.

Her h/c hair fell on her uniform, beautifully and she looked down into a book. She was so beautiful and I couldn't help but stare.

"Um... Laurance? Are you okay?" She asked which snapped me back into reality. "Oh... um.. yeah, I'm fine!" I stuttered.

Hold on, maybe this is it! I can ask Y/n to be my girlfriend! But the question is, would she say yes? She's not one for drama, especially since she had enough of it in middle school.

I knew her back then, we went to the same middle school back in Meteli. Y/n was always a close friend of mine, of course she would say yes!

"Hey... um, Y/n?" I stuttered as I sat down beside me. "Hm?" She hummed as she lifted her head up to look at me.

"I was wondering..." I began, before taking a deep breath. "...If you'd want to be my girlfriend?"

Y/n froze before looking up at me, with tears in her eyes. "Laurance, I'd love to!" She said happily.

I smiled, "Well then, let's get to class... babe."


I nearly had a heart attack when I found out who Garroth's girlfriend is. Garroth and I were at our lockers when Y/n came walking over to us.

"Hey babe!" She said happily. "Hey!" I said as I kissed her on the cheek. Garroth raised an eyebrow, "Babe?"

I nodded. "Yep, Y/n and I just started dating yesterday," I explained. Garroth nodded.

"At least I actually have a girlfriend," I snickered. Garroth rolled his eyes, "Actually, I do have a girlfriend."

That's when a girl with light brown hair walked up beside Garrot, smiling. "Hey babe," she said sweetly.

My eyes widened, that wasn't just any girl, it was Grace! The girl I truly love! And she was dating my best friend?!

Grace looked at me. "Oh, hey Laurance! Hey Y/n" She said, smiling. "H-Hey," I stuttered, shocked out of my mind.

"So Grace, do you want to go and get some food?" Garroth asked, Grace nodding in agreement.

"Bye guys!" Grace said sweetly as the two walked away.

'What have I done?'

Garroth's P.O.V

Phew! That was close! Especially with the fact that Grace and I aren't even really dating, we're just pretending!

Grace agreed to be my pretend girlfriend because I had told all the new freshman girls that I had and girlfriend and the word got back to Ivy.

Ivy got really mad and started screaming at me until Grace stepped in and saved me by saying she was my girlfriend (even though she wasn't)

I explained to her what happened and she agreed to pretend to be my girlfriend as long if it wasn't touchy and calling each other babe was the night of it.

We both agreed that we would only hold hands, or kiss if people started to get suspicious of us.

Anyways, so Grace isn't my girlfriend and Laurance is getting jealous over nothing. Heh heh. Typical Laurance.

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