I'll Get You Back (Travis x Brave!Fem!Reader) | Mystreet S6

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​​Hey everyone! Before I start, I just wanted to say that in this one shot, there is another OC mentioned called Lyrica. She is also a divine warrior and Y/n is a descendant of her. I hope you all enjoy!

Y/n's P.O.V

I couldn't believe it, Travis was a descendant of the Demon Warlock. And now, the Demon Warlock had taken over his body.

My eyes filled with tears the more I thought about it. I loved Travis, even with his pervert ways. He was the only who understood me.

I couldn't loose him! Not now, not ever! I needed to get him back! "Hey, are you okay?" A voice came. I looked up to see Grace and Laurance standing in front of me. I nodded and smiled sadly.

It must be nice still having the person you love by your side, Aaron was caught by the GF and Travis' body was taken over. Grace and Laurance, and Kawaii~Chan and Zane are the only two couples not apart.

Although, both Grace and Kawaii~Chan both were badly injured. Grace was worse, but somehow she's able to move around and is pretty much her normal self, unlike Kawaii~Chan. Honestly, that confused me.

Grace and Laurance sat down either side of me. "Don't worry, we'll save Travis and everyone else," Grace comforted me.

I know Grace is trying, but honestly, that didn't help. I needed to get Travis back and I'm not going to stop until I do.

I stood up, "Come on, we are going to the cannon and saving everyone!" Grace and Laurance shared a smile. "That's my girl," Grace said as she stood up and put her arm around my shoulder.

I'm going to get him back if it's the last thing I do.

We reached the celectial cannon and had a little run in with Katelyn. Grace and Lucinda stayed eith Katelyn and brought her out of the mind control while Zane stayed with Kawaii~Chan. Zane also had little run in with Garroth and saved him from the mind control too.

Meanwhile, Aphmau, Laurance, Kim, Terry and I found the prototype room and the others soon joined us with Katelyn and Garroth.

We made the decision that someone was going to have to weird five relics to defeat The Demon Warlock. I decided to do it, weilding Aphmau, Zane, Grace, Laurance and Lucinda as relics.

"Travis!" I cried as I reached the top of the cannon, the five relics above me. The Demon Warlock laughed, "Travis is gone! And he won't be back!"

"Travis! I know your in there! It's me-" I began before the Demon Warlock hit me, and send me flying backwards.

I growled in anger, this wasn't going to work. I stood up, absorbing the five relics as I felt a rush of magic rushing through my body.

The Demon Warlock smirked, "You're a descendant of Lyrica!" He laughed, "Fine, if you want to play God, then let me kill you in a place more fit for a Goddess to die!"

The Demon Warlock raised his hand and a blinding light shun. When I opened my eyes, I found myself looking up at the Demon Warlock in some sort of Chapel.

I curled my firsts and got into my fight stance. The Demon Warlock flew at me, pushing me back into the wall. I growled in pain as I stood back on my feet and ran at him.

The fight lasted for a bit before I tried to reach Travis again. "Travis please! I know you're in there! Please, listen to me!" I cried.

Nothing. Only the Demon Warlock laughing, "I already told you! Travis is gone!" He came at me again but I dodged.

Tears started to fill my eyes. I knew I could reach him, I just needed to say those three words.

"Travis! I Love you!"

Travis' P.O.V (In his headspace)

Did she really just say that? Did Y/n really just say that she loved me? She did! She really did! And the thing was, I loved her too!

Even after my pervert ways, she still loved me! I've tried to change, I've tried to not be the pervert I used to be.

Y/n really did love me. I've tried to fight the Demon Warlock off but I couldn't. But this time, I'm going to try harder.

I looked up to where Michael was standing. The last time I had tried to stop him, he had pushed me to the ground.

He was much stronger than me and I knew that. But the thing was, this time I was not going to stop until I had defeated him!

I stood up. He had his back to me so I ran uo behind him, and grabbed him by the neck. "STOP! STOP ALL THIS NOW! I'M NOT GOING TO LET YOU DO THIS ANYMORE!" I roared.

Michael laughed, "You really think you can stop me?" I shook my head. "No," I growled. "I don't think, I know!"

I threw him across the black void and he went tumbling to the floor. I stepped on his chest, putting all my weight on it.

"Now, give me back control and stop this!" I growled. "No..." Michael chocked out. I growled. "YES! YOU WILL!" I roared, putting more of my weight on him.

Michael started to cough before he stopped breathing and his eyes went grey. My eyes widened, 'Did I just kill him?'

That's when I felt drowsy and collapsed onto the floor. That was the last thing I remembered.


My eyes slowly cracked open enough to see a girl with h/c hair looking down at me, with tears in her eyes. "Travis!" She cried as she pulled me into a tight hug.

It was Y/n. It was the woman that I love more than anyone else in the world, Y/n. "Y/n, your okay," I said softly and we pulled out of the hug.

She nodded and she stood up, holding her hand out to me, helping me up. We gazed into each other's eyes for what seemed like forever.

Her e/c eyes were beautiful, shimmering in the light. I was physically in pain, but that didn't matter to me anymore. All that mattered is that Y/n was here, ans she was safe.

"Did you really mean what you said earlier?" I asked. "When I told you I loved you?" She asked, softly. I nodded. "Yes. Travis I lo-"

Before she could finish her sentence, I pulled her in, smashing my lips on hers. I felt her lips curving up into a smile and heard the others cheering.

I loved her, more than anyone else in the world.

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