Please, Text Me Back #2 (Vylad x Fem!Reader) | Mystreet

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Vylad's P.O.V

Today was October 13th, the day that Y/n had gone missing exactly 3 years ago. I miss her, I really do. Everyone else thinks she's dead, even her mom and sister, but deep down I know that she's still alive.

After work, I went to Aphmau, Grace and Kawaii~Chan's maid cafe.

"Why hello there Vylad," Grace greated me as I walked in.

"Hey Grace, how are you?" I asked.

"Really, really busy," she said sighing. I looked around, I saw all the others but Aphmau.

"Where's Aph?" I asked.

"Huh, Aph? Oh, I said that I would take her shift today since today is ya know..." she trailed off. I knew what she meant.

I felt tears form in my eyes as I thought about it. "So, would you like a table?" Grace asked trying to change the topic.

"Yes, please," I replied.

"Okay then, follow me," she said, leading me to a table. "Here we are, oh and here's the menu, I'll be back in a few to take your order," Grace said as she handed me the menu and walked off.

I looked at the menu, lemon cheesecake, that was Y/n's favourite, especially the way Grace made it. Tears started to form in my eyes as I thought of her.

I quickly wiped them away and looked at my phone. 'Maybe I should send her a message' I thought to myself.

I unlocked my phone and went into her number. I looked through all the messages I've sent her in the past three years before typing out another one.

Hey Y/n, at this point I don't even know why I'm even still texting this number, I guess it just comforts me. Anyways, it has been three years today since your disappearance. Even after three years, I still miss you, but as I said, I love you and I always will. But Y/n, please text me back.

I read over the message, I knew she wasn't going to respond, she probably won't even see it.

After a few minutes, Grace came back to take my order. I ordered a lemon cheesecake, what Y/n used to love.

Grace came back with my order and I started eating when my phone vibrated.

*You have one unread message*

'It's probably Garroth or Zane checking on how I was doing' I thought to myself as I unlocked my phone and opened the message. My eyes widened when I saw who it was from.

Hey Vlyad, thanks for all the messages, they were really sweet. I have missed you so much and I want to see you again. Want to come around to my apartment to hang out for a bit? Please, text me back


I jumped out of my seat and left the money on the table. I ran down the street as fast as I could until I reached Y/n's apartment.

I took a deep breath before knocking on the door. A girl with beautiful h/c hair opened the door. It was her, it was really her! We gazed go into each other's eyes for what seemed like forever, when she finally invited me in

We sat at the table across from each other and I finally gathered the courage to speak. "Y/n, where have you been these past three years?" I asked.

She looked at the floor as I saw tears staring to form I her eyes. "Three years ago, I was walking home from work when a man grabbed me and pushed me into a car," she began.

"We drove for hours and when we finally arrived, I had no idea where I was. For the first two years I was a slave to the man. I was worked... I was beaten... I was abused," she sobbed.

"After the first two years, I escaped but another man found me dying on the street so he rushed me to a hospital. With all the cuts and wounds I had, it took me a year to fully recover," she said, tears streaming down her cheeks.

I walked over beside her and she stood off the chair. "Y/n, I'm so sorry about what happend, I wish I could have helped..." I said, tears welling in my eyes.

"Vylad, its not your fault, you couldn't do anything," Y/n comforted me. "But I should've! I knew you weren't dead, I should've we-" I was cut off when Y/n smashed her lips against mine.

"Vylad, I love you and I always have," Y/n said and we pulled apart. "Y/n, I love you too," I said before she put her lips against mine.

All my dreams were coming true, Y/n came back after three years, and I was kissing the girl that I truly love.

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