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As the final bell rang, signaling the end of the school day, Zeke gathered his friends near his locker. "Yo, y'all wanna come over to my house? We can chill, play some games or somethin'," he suggested, looking around at the group.

Rayan nodded enthusiastically. "Bet, I'm down."

Drevon grinned. "Sounds good to me. Ain't got nothin' else to do."

Lizayah, always up for a good time, added, "For sure. What about you, Imani?"

Imani smiled. "Lemme call my mom real quick." She pulled out her phone and dialed her mom's number, stepping aside for a moment.

When her mom answered, Imani explained the situation. "Hey, Ma. Zeke invited us all over to his house. Can you pick me up from there at 8?"

Her mom's voice came through the phone, warm and understanding. "Of course, baby. Put me on speaker so I can say hi to your friends."

Imani switched to speakerphone and held the phone out. "Hey, y'all, my mom wanna say hi."

"Hi, Mrs. Imani's Mom!" they chorused.

"Hello, everyone! Y'all be good now and take care of my baby girl. I'll see you at 8," her mom said cheerfully.

"We will, Mrs. Imani's Mom!" they responded, laughing.

Imani smiled and took the phone off speaker. "Thanks, Ma. See you later." She hung up and turned back to the group. "I'm in."

"Cool, let's roll," Zeke said, leading them out to the parking lot where his car was parked.

Just as they were about to pile into Zeke's car, Lightning, one of the school's notorious troublemakers, approached them with a sneer on her face. "Well, well, if it ain't Brianna and the new girl," she said, eyeing them with disdain.

Brianna frowned, already sensing trouble. "What you want, Lightning?"

She laughed mockingly. "Just wonderin' why y'all hangin' out with these losers. Figured new girl here would have better taste."

Imani stepped forward, her eyes narrowing. "Ain't nobody ask for your opinion, Lightning. You always got somethin' to say, but never anything worth hearin'."

Lightning's face twisted with annoyance. "Oh, so you got jokes now? I'm just lookin' out for you. Don't want you gettin' mixed up with the wrong crowd."

Brianna shook her head. "We good. We don't need your 'lookin' out.'"

Imani didn't back down. "And if you really cared, you'd mind your own business. We happy hangin' out together, and we don't need your negativity."

Rayan stepped up, backing Imani. "Yeah, Lightning, why you always gotta stir the pot? Ain't nobody messin' with you."

Lightning sneered, looking at the group. "Y'all ain't worth my time anyway. Just remember, new girl, you don't know who you dealin' with."

Imani crossed her arms, her expression unwavering. "And you don't know me. So maybe you should think twice before you try to come for my friends."

Zeke nodded in agreement, stepping between Lightning and the group. "You heard her. Now bounce, Lightning."

Lightning glared at them but ultimately backed off, muttering under her breath as he walked away. "Y'all lucky I ain't got time for this."

Once she was gone, Brianna let out a sigh of relief. "Thanks, Imani. That girl always tryna start somethin'."

Imani smiled, shrugging. "Ain't no problem. We gotta look out for each other."

Zeke grinned. "Well, now that that's over, let's get outta here."

Summer Nights and Basketball Dreams: The Tale of Imani and Her SquadWhere stories live. Discover now