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"so... you're apologising to me?" i look at her, eyebrows furrowed.

"yes. i know it probably means nothing to you.. i mean i bullied you for years but i want you to hear it anyways," she was nervous and jittery.

arabella ravenwood, millie shane and her minions had bullied me all throughout the college years but ive had some news bullies that year as some of her friends weren't coming to manchester university, some not going to university at all. arabella was the quietest and said the least, but millie would give her a quick look that suggested she should take a couple jabs at me. emo and goth were the two words i couldn't heard throughout my years in college, i couldn't live it down. just because i had the confidence to dress the way i want shouldn't have meant that the bullying was okay, whether or not millie liked or agreed with the way i dressed.

"look... i don't know you and you don't know me. although most people think they do. im nothing like millie and i know that is probably so hard to believe because i took part in the bullying. but i must say...." she took a deep breath and continued, "i never agreed with what millie was doing. pathetic, i know, i really should have said anything. stopped it. but i didn't and you have no idea how sorry i am. as the years went by, the guilt piled and piled up until i snapped. i stopped following her orders of me dressing a certain way and acting a certain way but she unfortunately caught on and sort of.. punished me for it. well, she punched me in the face, i fell over and that's when i came to the conclusion that this should stop. the way she acted with faizan, our friend group, you and me, was disgusting, utterly disgusting and i apologise for being apart of it. i know you probably hate my guts and i would to, but i have nobody right now and i would really appreciate it if you listened to me. i don't need you to accept my apology because i wouldn't if i was you. but thank you for listening, i hope this has... hopefully changed your perspective on me since im tired of being remembered as 'millie shane's bestfriend' ," she sighed, looking out of breath from what just spurred out her mouth and refused to look at me.

"i don't hate you arabella. obviously i wasn't fond of you since you bullied me, but i saw that you were something else, someone else. someone different. i noticed that you didn't look particularly happy about saying some of the things you did. but im willing to talk to you, get to know you. and then maybe you'll see im not some depressed cringey kid who wears all black to make a statement," i cackled at my own joke, earning a small smile from arabella.

"thank you so much greyson, you have no idea how much this means to me. i also have to apologise to faizan, do you know where he might be?"

"i think he's in a lecture right now. oh shit! that means i should be as well. sorry, arabella ive got to go,"

she nodded in understanding, "cool. see you at lunch?"

"table in the corner, left side, bye,"

arabella ravenwood was going to hang out with the edgy kids at lunch, everyone will look and everyone will talk. but we will let them. let them make rumours about arabella being the reason millie and faizan broke up since she sat with us, or that arabella is working as a secret spy to get information from us to report back to queen millie.


faizan hadn't shown up to any lecture for 5 days straight. i texted him, telling him that he could talk to me like a brother if he needed to. he said he was fine and just wanted to stay in his dorm for other reasons, which was so false but i let it go. professors were asking me and arabella if we had seen him, and the truth was was that we haven't. he hadn't come out of his dorm for 5 days, the only time he probably had to leave was to go to the his shared kitchen to make himself food. the breakup was clearly affecting him, but the only people who seemed to worry about him were his friends. i wondered if he told his family, or if he secretly liked suffering in silence but i wanted to put an end to it, he couldn't live in his dorm for the rest of his life so i visited him.

"faizan open the door you muppet, i know you are in there!" i banged on the door.

he opened the door after a couple minutes, revealing a groggy and tearful faizan.

"what do you want greyson?" he voice was deep and croaky, had he just woken up?

"i want to talk to you, you're bed rotting, faizan," i invited myself into his dorm, which was a complete mess on faizan's side and clean on the other.

"im not bed rotting, i just have been sleeping loads, which, is helping," his eyes couldn't even stay open for a moment as he sat back down on his filthy bed.

"faizan. mate. you have to get out of here, i have been standing in here for a minute and my brain feels smaller,"

"that's a you problem, samson,"

"ok. whatever. could you please just come with me to the cafe, we can uh.... have a chat,"

"fine. can i get dressed?" faizan's main a face that suggested he didn't want to wear a his red dressing gown to the cafe wasn't an option.

"yeah," i opened his door and closed it behind me, sighing as i was finally free of his room that stank like sweat.


we went to the local costa, i had a caramel frappe and faizan had a chocolate muffin with a latte. coffee was probably the last thing he needed but i didn't argue with him. faizan revealed that he wasn't doing so good, he slept for 15 hours everyday and spent the rest crying over his ex girlfriend. he said he knew she did things that were bad but he loved her so much that he was in denial and just wanted to love her with her other good aspects.

"what about your family, do they know?"

"no, they will kill me so i haven't just yet. mr and mrs elliot-crawford were really big fans of millie shane since she was my first girlfriend ever," he took a sip of his drink.

"ive been thinking about her non-stop. i just like... need a distraction," he dipped his head down in embarrassment.

"why don't you tell me about your family?"

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