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i was sat next to my girlfriend ethel watching the massive football game whilst all my other friends sat around us. the game had only been going on for an hour and i was already bored, but all the money that we paid to watch was going to several different charities. ajax had been only watching cade throughout the whole game, watching his every move and seeing what his weak points were. cade almost always fumbled when he had to defend the ball, he was only good at shooting goals and stuff. i wasn't going to lie, when ajax had told us what happened with cade and raya, my whole heart felt heavy for her. my heart broke. when ajax had said he didn't know how to get cade back for the trauma he had caused upon ajax's younger sister, i thought of uncanny and violent things that i couldn't pursue. i thought about getting him from behind, forcing him on the floor and stomping on his head until he died. i had managed to get that image out of my head for the whole week but now that i was seeing him down on the pitch, smiling and thinking he got away with sexually chatting to an underage girl, it all came rushing back and i couldn't help but to let my smile curve into a devilish grin. as my friends conversed around me, i tuned all of them out and focused on cade and cade only. cade finnegan: one of the most popular boys in our university, he thinks every girl wants him although i always thought he looked like a pube on heavy crack. cade finnegan: a loser who looked around for validation in his friends after making any joke, a low-life who didn't really care about his grades and somehow still managed to pass all his gsces because nobody caught him cheating. every smile he smiled, every move he made, every laugh he laughed, every joke he let leave his lips that were homophobic, fat phobic, transphobic, etc made my blood boil. i was waiting for him to get kicked off.


"cade fiddles with kids!" i called out, my voice drowned out by everyone screaming at the game around me.

he turned around, looking for the person who called for him, "what?"

"cade finnegan!" i shouted at him.

"oh. jacklen casteneda, aka fattie," he joked, walking closer to me.

"okay. whatever. can you uh.. come with me?"


"millie told me she was looking for you. she wants me to bring you to the forest, it's only over there," i chuckled as he didn't know that was the only place where cameras couldn't see us.

"okay. she must want this dick," he laughed at his own joke.


cade and i hadn't talked the whole time we walked. nobody saw us walking over to the forest as the trees covered us and everyone was too busy focusing on the game. my hand danced all around my clothes as i checked for my knife that i always keep in my inside jacket pocket. i had also made the decision to wear one of his friends shoes, making it look like it was them. i chose the one and only harrison mccallum, famous in our school for being the rudest boy in the entire university. he had no basic manners, rude to every professor, made fun of disabled people and apparently he used to take upskirt photos.

"so where is she?" cade walked out in front of me, screaming so that hopefully millie would hear him.

but millie wouldn't hear him, and nobody else would either. i was going to kill cade finnegan and nobody would see, hear or care. well possibly his group of friends would miss him. i had told my friends that i was going to get us some milkshakes at the milkshake stand only a bit away from the game, and i planned to do that after.

"she's not coming. and nobody else is," i whispered in his ear as i plunged the knife deep into his heart.

covering his mouth, i let cade's body fall backwards into me as his muffled screams filled the air. his lips let out a slight gasp as i violently took the knife out and gave him another jab in his torso.

"i will see you in hell you fucking pedofile," i said as his body fell onto the floor.

i stayed with cade until his body stopped fidgeting and gasping for air. with his eyes still open, his chest finally stopped going and up and down. i leaned over him and punched, kicked and slapped him about one thousand times before i left, almost tripping in the size 10 shoes that didn't fit me at all.

i had killed cade finnegan, like actually. i had seen his face all purple and sad whilst my knife was in his black heart. but i didn't feel remorse. i had done this for raya castle.


"jacklen's back with the milkshakes!" arabella shouted as she happened to turn and see me, 6 small milkshakes in hand.

"sorry guys that took forever! there was a massive ass line," i faked an apologetic look on my face.

"that's okay jackie!" greyson smiled, showing his perfect canine teeth.

"you guys didn't really specify so ive got two chocolates, one of those is for me by the way, one strawberry and 3 vanilla, i hope that's okay,"

"ooh! ill have the other chocolate!" ethel excitedly grabbed the other chocolate milkshake.

greyson happily took a vanilla milkshake, along with arabella and ajax whilst faizan got stuck with the strawberry milkshake, but he didn't seem to complain. i tried to remain content in my seat while my mind kept tracing back to the satisfactory i felt once cade had stopped breathing. i sneakily put harrison's shoes back whilst wearing disposable foot protectors. at one point, ethel had leaned over, put her hand on my shoulder and asked me if i was okay. i gave her a simple 'yes' paired with a flirty wink and turned back to stare at the players, trying to improve the look on my face.

"wheres finnegan?" greyson finally spluttered out.

"he got sent off didn't he?" arabella responded.

my whole body twitched at the mention of his name.

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