Five- Calli

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I had just sat down for class when the professor
announced that we would have two guest
speakers. Just as he was finishing that sentence
two men in suits came in. I studied all day
yesterday because I thought we had an exam
today. I guess with how the weekend went I had
spaced that that wasn't happening.

'Ugh, where is my mind at?' I asked myself.

I looked up as a man introduced as Skylar Knight
stepped up to the podium. Looking at him I could
tell that he was quite handsome in his own way.
He had black hair that was cut into a fade, so it
was shorter on the sides and longer on the top. He
looked like he worked out from the way that he
filled his suit.

Then it dawned on me that the professor said two
guests. I looked behind the man at the podium and
my heart skipped a beat.

"Could that be?" I whispered.

The man sanding behind Skylar looked board out
of his mind. He had his hands in his slacks and was
looking around the room like he was trying to find
a threat.

When his gauze landed on me, I stopped
breathing. Now that I could see his whole face, I
swear that that is the man from Three and Me. It
was dark on that dancefloor, and it all happened
super-fast but I could swear that is the same man.

He was wearing a Navy-blue suit that showed his
wide shoulders. His hair was similar to the man at
the podium in color, but it was longer. He had a
clean-shaven face that showed off his pronounced
masculine jaw. His eyes from here looked dark in
color but shined against the contrast in his suit.
That was when I seen he was still staring at me.

I shifted my eyes down to the paper sitting on the
table. With the pencil in my hand, I tried to make
it look like I was writing something down. I had
no idea what the guy at the podium was saying and
that was so not like me. I could still feel his eyes
on me like it was burning my skin from across the

I glanced up intending to focus on what the
speaker was talking about by my eyes betrayed me
and looked right at him. The way that he looked at
me shot chills down my body, and not in a bad
way. Unintentionally I bit my lower lip and I swear
his face hardened as he zeroed in on my mouth.
My body heated and showed its arousal by
depositing moisture in my underwear. Then like
nothing happened he broke eye contact and looked
at his phone.

Way to flustered to concentrate, I stared at my
paper and glanced up occasionally. When the
professor gave his end the class speech, that I
didn't even register, I gathered my things to make
way out of the class as soon as possible. As I
descended the stairs the professor and the guest
speakers where heading for his office.

Like he knew that I was close, the man stopped
and stared at me again. Lost in his eyes, I missed
my step and rolled my ankle falling down the last
three steps. Before I could land on the ground I
was wrapped into a strong embrace. My bookbag
landed on the floor with its contents scattering
across the floor at my feet.

"Are you ok?" a voice said breath falling down my

As the pain started to register in my mind, "I rolled
my ankle." I spoke.

"Do you think you can stand?" he asked.

I looked up into his face for the first time and
realized that my arm was around his neck and his
nose was so close to mine that we practically were
breathing the same air.

His eyes shifted back and forth between mine
looking for an answer. Being this close to him let
me see how much color was in his eyes. They were
a dark brown with touches of grey before the
outside rim turned almost black. I had never seen
such dark eyes before and without thinking I said

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