🪨Hiking and Wandering🪨

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Requested by: @Rubiiess

- Jailey ❤️(Platonic ships mentioned)
- fluff/Light Angst🩷🩶

Okay so I finally wrote it! And I would like to give credit to heartzforlander  for this idea. Also thank you @OrionTheHunter343 for deciphering their lovely grammar for me. <3

"Are we there yet?!" A voice kept nagging.

Another voice groaned in response, "Will you shut up already Milly? You've asked that fifty times since we left!"

"Well Zander-." She began but was immediately cut off by someone sitting up front.

"Hush you two! I don't want to hear any bickering! We will be there in ten minutes, give me ten minutes of peace!"

"Yes Hailey." The duo mumbled at the same time.

Sean and Luke just chuckled at this while Jake was still spaced out. He was busy starring at a blank phone screen. Milly had gotten bored so she began poking at his face, this quickly got his attention.

"Gah! What Milly?!"

"Nothing, just amuse me." She said smiling at him.

"Uhm sure? What do you want to do?" He asked putting his phone away.

They spent the rest of the car ride playing 'I spy'. Milly was confused at how bad this boy actually was at playing, as she kept getting all of his while he got literally none of hers.

But the group soon arrived to the trail and piled out of the car. Almost immediately Milly spotted a squirrel. "Squirrel!"

She screamed loudly and ran after the poor animal. Sean sighed heavily, "I'll go make sure she doesn't fall into a ditch."

Before following the shorter girl. "Okay let's just follow up on the trail with them."

Hailey said turning to them all, "Hold up, I got to grab my phone real quick."

Jake said searching the car. Zander and Luke decided to just go and follow Milly and Sean while Hailey waited for her best friend. Jake came out with his phone eventually, "Okay ready!"

"Alright me text Zander-, shoot my phones dead." She groaned as she pulled out her phone only to put it away.

"I have no signal, let's walk around until we find some." He said holding up his phone and beginning to walk. She sighed and followed him.

During their little walk they mainly talked about everything that has happened lately, they told each other little stories about their families and middle schools.

"And that was the day I met Daisy!" He beamed smiling at her. She just smiled at him and chuckled. But soon she thought aloud,

"Hey where are we?"

The duo stopped in their tracks and looked around frantically, "I think we're lost."

He muttered. Hailey began to panic now, she began to shake and hyperventilate. This caused her to collapse to the ground and start crying softly.

Jake took quick notice and sat down beside her. He then pulling her into his lap whispering comforting words in her ear. After some time she calmed down.

"Thank you Jake." She mumbled looking up at him. She was leaning on his chest. He smiled and nodded at her while playing with her hair.

A while passed and they currently were sitting under a tree, it was silent and they slowly were falling asleep. "Do you want to listen to some music?"

Hailey saw Jake take out some air-buds. She nodded and he handed her one. To which she placed inside of her ear. The sounds made time it's self stop. Only these moments mattered, she then felt his hand lightly grip hers as he laid back on the tree.

Content was painted over both of their faces as they had their backs on the tree and dozed off to a light sleep. They fell asleep to the sounds of "This side of Paradise."


About 20 minutes the two jolted awake hearing something moving in the bushes. A gremlin popped out with matted hair and sticks stuck in it. It was covered in mud and random green stuff scaring the crap out of them.

Jake let out a high pitched scream and jumped onto Hailey. "It's just Milly, Jake."

He looked and saw a fuchsia colored hair 'gremlin' laughing at him. Pouting he got off Hailey, "Not funny Milly."

"Damn your brother was right! You are hyper reactive!" She cackled as the rest of the group found them.

"I think that's enough hiking for one day guys." Sean sighed.

They all agreed and began to make their way back to the car. Sean and Milly walking ahead, Luke and Zander holding hands right behind them smiling. While the two singers hung in the back, she still had the ear phone in. "Hey Jake?"

She asked getting his attention, he turned to her, "Hm?"

Without warning she placed a small kiss on his cheek and immediately ran off to the front of everyone with Milly. He stood there shocked, his face held a red hue as his hand reached up and felt the spot she kissed.

Once he regrouped himself he started walking a little fast eventually catching up to Luke and Zander. They noticed how startled he looked, "Everything okay Jake?" Zander asked confused.

"Yeah." He mumbled, still bright red as I may add.

They then approached the car getting back into the same seats they were in last time. Milly unsurprisingly ask noticed how red he was. "What's up with you? Are you having an allergic reaction?"

"Nothing! And no!" He said blushing even harder, Hailey was watching all this unfold in the rear view mirror. She silently laughed to herself while smiling.

Sean eventually started up the car and drove off.

Hello! Yes I know I disappeared for a whole day but I was having a major writers block. But I'm back! With two one shots?! I'm on a roll today! Anyways I hope you all have a wonderful day and just remember you can make multiple requests! But it may take a while as I've already three more things on my todo list not including Tear drops! That's got its own todo list. Bye!

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