Hocus fucking Pocus - witch AU - Part 2

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POV: Larry Johnson

Year: 1702

The Travis guy quickly notices my staring. He closes the little basket fairly quickly. "Oh! I apologize.. I didn't mean to snoop in your stuff or anything!" - L. "It's.. okay..." - T. The cat begins to walk around and scratch at random trees. I still think it looks creepy as fuck, but it's whatever. 

"Lunar, *kiss* *kiss* kiss* come on." - T. The cat quickly walks over to him. It's a short haired cat. It has a little chipped looking ear. Maybe it lost its other eye in a fight! Poor thing! 

The boy, well.. Travis.. Begins to walk away. I'm so close to home, but I really wanna see where he goes..... Fuck it! I begin to slowly walk a bit far behind him. The cat, Lunar? I think? Is also walking with him. he's right behind this Travis guy.


Travis begins to walk up to a creepy looking shack type home. He opens the door and quickly closes it back once that cat goes in. It has windows so I slowly walk to one and peer inside. It's creepy as fuck. It's full of books, crystals, candles, paper, quills, baskets, bottles, and more random things. He begins to light up the candles. He also begins to put up all those strange items.. who the HELL needs a frogs leg.??

I'm just about to leave when he turns around and stares DIRECTLY at me.. FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK. I quickly turn around and sprint away, praying he doesn't chase after me. 


I make it back home fairly quickly. Momma was waiting at the door looking like a nervous wreck.

"LARRY! Where were you?!? You had me worried sick!". "Sorry, momma. I just got a bit distracted. It won't happen again!" "*sigh* come in, hun. Please don't scare me like that again."

Ngl I hate this chapter.

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