🥀Self hatred🥀

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Requested by: @greenoceanfrogs

-no ships

This is basically the prequel to forgive me not. I decided to add my own little spin on it to fit the storyline. This will basically tell how Jake ended up in the hospital. Anyways enjoy!

"Jake! Are you still going to go watch the competition today after school?" A girl with snow hair went up to him.

He weakly smiled at her, "No I've been tired. They still didn't forgive me so I think it's best if I no show."

"Oh." She frowned at him, the two began walking to their last period class.

The whole class was extremely boring. Jake had a hard time focusing, his head hurt and he felt extremely dizzy. He stopped eating the day of him and Drew's fight. It didn't help that Drew was in this class being silent.

He made sure to sit in the very back corner and keep his head down. He payed no mind to the lecture the teacher started, and they payed no mind to him after seeing his deep dark eye bags and pale appearance.

But the teacher started calling names to sort people into groups of three for the upcoming project. Jake finally looked up just as his name was called. Luckily he was paired up with Daisy. Not so Luckily he was also paired up with Drew.

So as soon as the bell rang Daisy and Drew went up to him at the back of the class. Other students began leaving along with the teacher. Soon it was just the three of them.

"Are you two free for a while? I'm free for a few hours before I go watch the competition." Daisy said looking at them, Drew mumbled an uncomfortable yeah while Jake just nodded.

The trio then walked to the school library and began to work on the assignment. When they got there they saw Sadie, Liam, and Henry also working on a group project. The two groups sat together with Drew talking mainly to Liam and Henry and occasionally to Daisy about the project. While Daisy put her focus on Sadie and Jake, who avoided talking as much as possible. He still didn't feel the best and was lacking energy.

"Jake?" He looked over, Daisy had a concerned look on her face.

"Mm?" He mumbled blinking his eyes slowly.

She sighed, "Can you go get me a book? It's titled 'The History of Rose Meadow.' And are you okay, you look sorta white."

Everyone turned and looked at him when she said that, well except for Drew who still seemed uncomfortable. "I'm fine."

He said trying to smile, it came off as weak before he got up to go look for the specific book. A frown formed on his lips when he was in clear of sight from anyone. But he soon made it to the history isle and began his search. But as his time looking progresses he began to feel dizzy and exhausted. Eventually a pounding headache roared inside him.

He remembered reaching for a book before failing and seeing the ground.


It had been a while since she sent Jake, Daisy began growing slightly anxious. She stood up abruptly, "I'm going to go check up on Jake, he might be having a hard time finding it."

They all nodded at her and she was off to the history section. As she neared it she thought she heard a light thump, paying no mind to it she just continued. Only to stop dead in her tracks upon seeing a peach haired boy completely unconscious on the ground.

She let out a loud panicked scream and began to cry as she rushed over to him. This alerted the others over, they found them whilst she was checking his pulse. Drew had a similar reaction to rush over and make sure he was okay.

Sadie immediately went to go find someone for help while Liam pulled Drew into a hug. Henry began trying to shake Jake awake while aggressively shaking himself in the process. Daisy was on the phone trying to get in contact with his mother.

Sadie did end up finding the school nurse, she got to her just in time because she was about to leave for the day as most employees have. For a while they put him in the nurses office and he woke up just as his mom got there.

She whisked him home and asked if everything is okay. He tried to lie his way out but Milo came down stairs and overheard everything. He told their mom how Jake had been feeding his meals to Oreo for the past 3-2 days. She became extremely worried and immediately got him back into the car.

She was crying as they drove cause now he was explaining how he wasn't sleeping or eating. Milo sat in the back scared for his older brother. Once they did get there he was checked into a room and other things.

The doctors came and talked with him and told him what's going to happen. He didn't eat despite what was happening, and the doctors had to shove a tube down his throat just to get him the nutrients he needed.

This cycle repeated for the next week. On Friday, the first week's mark. Daisy came to visit him.

"Hi Jake." She mumbled sitting down.

"Hi." He said not looking at her.

Daisy let out a sigh, "How you holding up with all this?"

"Okay I guess." Jake said turning to the window. They sat talking for about fifteen minutes before Daisy had to go.

"Hey I'll see you hopefully soon, and your friends are worried as well. Especially Drew."

He didn't answer her and just watched her leave the room.

In these moments he never knew how much he could hate himself. He hated how he worried them and he hated how he got himself into the situation.

Hello! And I hope you enjoyed this one shot! I will not be adding onto this story as there really isn't much to say about it. Anyways hope you liked it!

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