Throwing a curve ball

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When the trailer was released, it sent shockwaves through the group. Miriam audibly gasped when it showed Tom and Jake finally talking after so many episodes of Tom's constant avoidance. But then she took a deep sigh, seeing the pair tear up in separate scenes, implying that it didn't go well. "How long is the distant dehydrator's and the tragic thirsty's drama going to continue? I'm so tired of it," complained James as he sank into the couch. "This love triangle-shaped thing is so excruciating to watch. We're almost halfway through this season, and it's been going on since the beginning. Just communicate!" ranted Hunter whilst glaring at the TV screen. "And this is coming from you," teased James, nudging him with his elbow, gaining a side eye from the other. The group had many questions, such as the challenge from observation: it looked like a bowling game with people as the pins and balls of yarn as the bowling balls. What was this? Also, the change in Yul's attitude since the last episode was frightening, sending chills down everyone's spines. From saying to Grett, '' You need to get rid of those thunder thighs''then swiftly changing the next episode, trying to affirm her by saying, "You don't need to change! You're perfect just the way you are!". Unanimously, they thought his "apology''seemed like it was from a script. He was more focused on looking at the camera than looking at his girlfriend. Even Grett found it suspicious during it, but she gradually believed him. They all knew that he was up to no good and theorised that the motive for this was popularity and favorability. Possibly he was trying to make it seem like he was having a redemption arc? But there's no concrete evidence to suggest that.

At least the thumbnail wasn't as confusing compared to the last one, but hey, they now have a cutout of James to censor things. The premiere of the seventh episode started with the group's focus now fixed on the screen in front of them, their snacks and drinks resting on the coffee table. Presenting the yellow team flag, it first showed Alec, Riya, and Grett having a conversation in the morning. Grett asked where Yul was with the other two, jabbering about his foot injury. She then left to find him after he supposedly went for a "hobble," leaving the two where they had started discussing the previous night's elimination. Shamelessly, Riya admitted that she didn't care about Connor leaving. It was beneficial for her, as he kept dragging her down and ruining her game, like last season. "Didn't he refuse to help her after she ripped a sharp rock from a cliff to attempt to hit Aiden with it? Also, she kept trying to control everything and almost made Aiden fall to his death. Who would want to work with her after that?" yapped Hunter, crossing his arms in frustration. On the other hand, Alec's reaction was more sombre and saddened by the loss of his friend.

After it cut to Grett wandering in the forest, in the distance she faintly saw Yul holding a bouquet of vibrant camellias. Luscious and fresh, the petals didn't show any signs of decay; their pink hues were breathtaking, with each petal flourishing from its anther. Shiny leaves swirled and curled, attaching themselves to the flower. The stem was precisely cut, and no hatches or split ends existed. It was as if they were never pulled out of the ground in the first place. Stunned by the sudden encounter, Yul threw his hands up in the air, in contrast, Grett stood there with a loving smile on her face. "Those are camellias; they symbolise love, adoration, and longing," informed Lake with a look of awe, but her expression changed to perplection. "But where did he get those from? It's winter, and it's not possible to grow them in these conditions," she questioned. "What if there's someone outside that's helping him? Those flowers seem like they've been bought from somewhere else just specifically for Yul to give to Grett," speculated Hunter, his finger tapping his forehead. "But who even likes Yul to that degree to help him?" puzzled James, staring at the screen curiously. "It can't be any of the contestants; otherwise, it would've been broadcast like when I got Connor to deliver those letters," remarked Miriam, recounting the steps she took in the competition. "Oh... Hi, Babe! I was just picking some flowers." squeaked Yul, his voice slightly cracking and his tone seemingly awkward. "Awww!" she cooed, cupping her face with both of her hands.

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