Taking a space in someone's heart

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It's officially been two weeks since James was eliminated reacting to the episodes just for pure entertainment. Ever since he started this it feels like he's lost a part of his sanity every episode along with pretty much the group too. Tess is pretty much the thread that's holding the Cyan team together. within that thin string were Aiden and Ellie at risk of elimination. Whilst with the magenta team... Where can he start with this train wreck? He could tell tension and frustration were slowly evolving between Ally and Jake. The Jake and Tom...Jam situation, whatever it's called, was already a pain to watch, with the talk that happened that agitated him more. Although he isn't a fan of Jake he would gladly knee Tom in the balls for that clear lie that he had made of having a boyfriend. Instead, he could have just said he wasn't interested or that he wasn't looking for a relationship. Why go to such lengths for a lie knowing it would hurt someone so significantly? James doesn't know Jake much but he'd have to agree with Miriam's view of Jake learning from his mistakes and communicating his problems. After the last episode, he can say that he's at least tolerable. But why is Aiden being dragged constantly into that mess? Currently, Magenta and Cyan are clinging on for dear lives with a ticking time bomb of drama waiting to explode in the group's faces. However with the yellow team, James would say that they're not safe as well, that the villain alliance doesn't seem stable, it will inevitably crumble down within the next few episodes. Especially since of its exposure too but he will be pleasantly surprised if the yellow team backstabbed each other he'd watch it several times if it occurs. But then again he can be wrong.

Two days ago Fiore was eliminated. For Hunter, it was probably one of the greatest days of his life. He was practically jumping in joy, the exhilaration rushing through his veins seeing his enemy get voted out by the rest of the team. Since the numbers were growing they all unanimously, albeit with some hesitance from Hunter agreed to set up activities and celebrations for when others would arrive, soon after when the winner came a huge party would be held. Connor, James and Fiore were responsible for making baked "goods" for those in the villain's alliance (possibly not including Grett) and from what everyone can suspect it's doing as well as they think. This was intentionally set up by Miriam knowing the trio would create something that would be unforgettable. Soon after cleaning up Miriam would then bake and cook actual edible food. Lake and Hunter would set up activities such as party games and decorate the building.

"How do I un-bake a cake?" asked Connor clutching the pitch-black cake with smoke gliding off of it and spreading across the kitchen. Producing a thick misty fog that would be difficult to fan away. The rest coughing in response choking on its fumes."You. Can't. Once the ingredients are mixed up and baked it's perm-'' warned Fiore her voice muffled from covering her mouth attempting to protect herself from the fumes trying to reach the windows to open them but to no avail.''Okay, I'm gonna need you to listen to me very carefully. Put it back into the oven, set it to the negative of whatever temperature you baked it at. Such as -325 degrees and leave it in for the exact amount of time you baked it for. It has to be exact. If you un-bake it too much the flour may turn into wheat and the eggs will turn into a chicken. Don't ask me how." interrupted James flapping his hand to waft some smoke away. Bursting through the door was Miriam, her eyes widened witnessing the "spectacle" in front of her after assuming a fire was ignited. Fiore slapped her head seeing Connor follow through with James's instructions with the latter rushing towards him saying he was joking.

"I left you guys for not even an hour and somehow this happens..." sighed Miriam, her eyes squinted trying to navigate to the kitchen. " Well, what did you expect? We have the boomer, the skunkhead's sugar daddy and me. Do you think we'd make something good? Be glad we didn't set fire to the building." quipped Fiore making James slowly turn to her his jaw open and his eyes frequently blinking trying to process the nickname he just got given. " Didn't you just diss yourself?" pointed out Connor, his oven mitts still holding onto the burnt cake. Walking over Miriam opened the kitchen windows letting the smoke escape and wander outside the building. Placing down the cake the trio looked at it curiously trying to piece together what to do with their creation. " How are we supposed to give this out even Yul would be able to figure out this isn't edible!" complained Fiore, her hands placed on her sides. "Yeah, no one would want to munch on this." agreed Connor with James next to him nodding. "I'll try to think of something but let it cool off first while you guys clean up. After I come up with an idea, you can work on it whilst watching the broadcast," advised Miriam, already sweeping up the excess flour on the floor. After a short while, surprisingly it fully cooled. Once removed from the pan a giant-looking hockey puck plopped out when picking it up was like lifting a heavy barbell. To test how dense it was Connor tapped it onto the countertop causing a long crack to form across the marbled counter creating stunned expressions from the rest. "Ugh, what are we supposed to do with this? How can we fool someone with that!" grumbled Fiore snatching it off the counter and chucking it towards the bin near the entrance.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01 ⏰

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