Chapter One - Daylight

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The sun beamed through the windows of her room, making its presence known. The glaring shine nagged her, brown eyes peeked through slitted lids at her surroundings. They immediately shut tight, shining directly into her irises was the warm shine of daylight. The golden glow illuminated her room, all darkness left from the night before creeping away.

Natalie groaned, pulling the covers over head. She sunk into her pillow, soaking in every last drop of rest before she started her day. The fluffy white covers somehow seemed comfier then when she went to bed, the golden sheets beneath her almost appeared softer. It was funny how when you just wake up, your bed seemed to nag you to stay in. Mesmerizing your senses into sleeping in just a bit more. Just five more minutes...

The trombone not two feet in front of her thought her sleepiness amusing, her tiredness silly. Her brother blew a bit harder than he should have into the golden, shiny instrument. Natalie flew upwards, scrambling backwards and knocking into her white bed frame. Lucas was in full hysterics, guffawing wildest at his sisters reaction.

Natalie breathed quickly, heart still pounding wildest. Slowly, her breathes calmed. And realization wasn't the only thing etching her features— rage. I am gonna kill him- Lucas shrieked as his sister flew onto him, flying backwards just in time to dodge the girls wrath. "Lucas! Get back here!" But he was already gone, slamming the door behind him. She stood silently in front of the white door, calming herself down. She was too tired to go after him. She would get her revenge later.

She walked in front of her body-length mirror, taking in her appearance. She looked homeless. She smiled to herself at the wild reflection. Dark bags were underneath her eyes from a lack of sleep, her tan body decorated with a blue t-shirt and soft pajama pants. She took out the rubber band and let the matted mess that was her hair fall down. Tangles of dark brown— almost black—hair frames her face, cut just a bit below her shoulders. Grown out wisps of what used to be bangs worked as a crown for her soft features.

She reached over to the nightstand to snatch up her brush and began brushing away the tangles. Once brushed out, it was rather pretty. Chestnut brown waves fell down, soft and thick. She walked over to her wardrobe and grabbed scraps of clothes for the day— A white t shirt with a yellow button-up shirt to wear as a sort of jacket, jean shorts cut a good bit above her knees were paired well with the white converse high tops— which were decorated with silly doodles by her friends— which she quickly tied so she could put on her stud earrings.

She rushed downstairs, the hungriness of morning catching up to her. Her mother and brother were downstairs. Mrs Di Russo was busy cooking eggs atop a steel pan, while her son was occupied with some game on his iPhone. Natalie came to sit down beside him on the kitchen counter, stabbing him in the stomach with her two forefingers in the process. "Piccolo merda..." She muttered under her breath. He really could be a doofus sometimes. She hadn't forgot about her kind wakeup call... Her mother had picked up on the little comment, turning around to scold the teen. "Natalie! Lingua, ehi? No imprecare in casa mia."

Lucas snickered at his mothers anger, amused in his sisters scolding. She turned her hard glare onto him. "Luca Di Russo, non ridere di lei." His smile fell. He may have been a reckless boy, but he knew better than to talk back to his mother. She tutted, turning back to her cooking. "Bambini pazzi. Pensano di potersi comportare così, ah." And with that, it was back to silence. She placed the plates in front of the siblings, decorated with a mixture of eggs, bacon, sausage and pancakes.

"Eat, Miele." She didn't have to tell them twice. They picked up their forks and dug into the delicious food. The continued even when the ache of hunger went away, not daring waste any of the scrumptious cooking. "What in the hell?.."
Mrs Di Russo muttered after the few minutes of silence. All eyes fell on her. Ironic of her to curse under her breath, just finished scolding her daughter for doing so.

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