New mission

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You stared at the existent in front of you with bored and tired eyes
It is better to use the word God instead of using the word (existent).

"Oh~..come on Evan...this is the last time"






"My dear Evan~"

"No، and I am not your dear"

"Please please please"

You massaged your temples with a headache and tried not to look away from the god-like creature clinging to your legs crying and begging.

You sit on the hard floor and stare at the god who was like a child with eyes that were red from exhaustion and you pierce him with your gaze.

"You told me last time that was my last mission, and now you're saying I have to do another mission again?  You are a lying god"

God looked the other way as he tried to justify himself by being oppressed, "B.. But I promise this is your last mission, I swear on my name, please help me just this once."

You grit your teeth and ignore him, "I'm tired and don't have the energy for the next mission, choose someone else instead of me" and walk away from him with your last words.

He runs to you and grabs your waist tightly and rubs his tears and nose on the back of your dress "Please ~ I don't know anyone better than you, you are great, wise, powerful, beautiful, captivating_" you cut him off and disgustedly try to  "You're so disgusting, get off me, and you don't have to flatter me, I won't take it."

You separate him from you and walk away, but you stop with his last words

"If you do this mission, I will fill your main life with infinite wealth, infinite internet and all the delicious food, you don't even have to lift a finger and you can just lie down and sunbathe without doing anything yourself."

God sees that you freeze in place and then slowly turn your neck like an owl and shine your face with a bright and beautiful smile, "Are you serious?"

God trembles a little from your (bright) smile and sweat forms on his face and he shakes his head awkwardly, "Yes, yes, I'm serious, you can live a relaxed and comfortable life forever, provided you complete this mission."

With a smile that would blind even God, you walk up to him and take his hand and shake it, "So the deal is done, my comfortable life against your mission."

God looks at you strangely, if he knew that you would accept his mission in such a way, he would have used it earlier." So be prepared, this world has many inequalities in it, and your mission is to destroy this inequality."

After his words, a bright light covers your body

"And oh...I forgot to say that this world is different from your previous worlds, have fun"


Before you even finish your sentence, the light covers you and you disappear from this place with a ringing sound.

Oh I forgot to tell him this is the new world of Wind Breaker, dear readers do you think he blames me?  It doesn't matter...he can handle himself, right?"


"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Damn you stupid god shit shittttttt nooo___"

When you opened your eyes you found yourself in the sky free falling towards earth, dying before you could even complete your mission.

The globe was enlarged in your eyes, the ground and the trees were getting closer and closer and the place of your fall was aimed at a small house in a big garden, you screamed loudly and passed through the roof of the house and fell into the lifeless body of a boy.

The boy's eyes suddenly open and his obsidian orbs are revealed and he quickly sits up with sweat pouring down his face, the boy clutches his chest tightly and gasps and curses at a certain person: "Damn, what kind of sending me into the other world is this? If the spirit  If I wasn't there, my body would fall apart."

You took a few deep breaths and calmed yourself down and analyzed your surroundings

Average house but comfortable, boy seems to have average financial status, you looked at your body, and it looks a bit thin and small

You get up and look for a mirror and when you find it you see yourself in the mirror, what the fuck??  Why do I look so cute and small and weak?  So where is all my grandeur?  Where is that sharp face of mine?  Where are those killer and scary eyes of mine?  It's all the fault of that stupid god, I shouldn't have accepted his request from the beginning

How many times do you take a deep breath, peace, inner peace, hmm, it's good

You look at your lower body and remove your pants

A vein appears on your forehead and neck, and you scream loudly in anger, "Why is my second brother so small? I hate you, crazy god."

And at a certain time and place, a certain God shivers, "Oh, why do I feel cold?"

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