A 'disgusting' first touch

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In a world of wonder, a child's first touch,
Excited giggles, fingers reach and clutch.
Pure innocence, untainted by society's hand,
But soon, whispers poison, casting shadows over land.

Curiosity sparked, she reaches out to explore,
But society's gaze, a judgmental roar.
Innocence shattered, replaced by shame's cruel game,
Her once eager touch now tinged with self-blame.

What once brought joy now fills her heart with dread,
As society's standards loom over her head.
Disgust replaces wonder, innocence fades away,
Leaving behind scars that haunt her every day.

Oh, to reclaim that moment of pure delight,
Before society's darkness clouded her sight.
To embrace herself without shame's heavy weight,
And rediscover the beauty in her first touch, innate.

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