Her addiction to intimacy

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She craves the pleasure, a fleeting delight,
Lost in the allure of the endless night.
Yet with each indulgence, her innocence fades, As she dances with demons in secret parades.

Desperate to fit in, to be just like the rest,
But shackled by cravings, she feels so oppressed. She longs for normalcy, to be free from the chains,Yet addiction's cruel grip still remains.

In moments of weakness, she weeps in despair, Knowing deep down life's not meant to be fair. For she's just a child, lost in her pain, Yearning for sunshine amidst endless rain.

But hope flickers faintly, a dim guiding light,
Perhaps one day she'll break free from the night. Until then she'll keep trying, though the struggle's profound, A child seeking solace, in a world where pleasure's abound.

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