Chapter oneSkinwalkers and shapeshifters

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The horrifying tales and myths about Rockshire all began one night to a woman and her kids.
The woman, Amanda, was in the living room with her children and the dog with the television on playing a family movie. It was about 8pm in the night when her husband was at work, probably closing.
She was cuddling up with her four year old girl when the dog got up from its bed and ran outside through the doggy door.
Amanda immediately stood up and ran after the door and saw the doodle disappear into the trees with just the moonlight to guide him in the forest wherever it was he was going.
Amanda looked back at her two children and the trees and decided that she would stay with her kids instead of going after the dog.
She went inside and closed the door making sure to leave the doggy door open just in case her doodle came back, the woman called her husband and informed him about the dog leaving and her staying with the kids.
“Okay, I will look for him when I come home” he said before hanging up the phone.
Amanda's husband came home later that night when the children were put to sleep, he found his wife waiting for him on their balcony.
Jack rushed to Amanda and kissed her on the cheek, “did snicker come back?” He asked looking past her as if the dog would be there, the woman shook her head and pointed to where their dog had disappeared off to.
Jack searched for the dog all night until 1am in the morning, he decided that if their doodle got hungry he would surely return home, the woman didn't say a word but she left the doggy door open before going to bed.
The next morning their normal routine followed through, Amanda woke up, made breakfast, woke the kids up and her husband got ready for work, she kissed him goodbye and she and her children settled in the study for their home schooling.
Later that day their doodle indeed returned, and like her husband had said he was hungry, Amanda checked for any injuries or abnormalities before bathing the dog and letting him eat some food, he almost ate the plate because of how hungry he was.
That night Amanda was yet again snuggled up with her two kids and the dog stood up to leave but this time she stopped him and put him back on his bed, “stay- what's out there anyway?” The woman had a strange feeling in her gut that night when she was tugging her children in.
During midnight when everyone was asleep she heard noise in the kitchen, Amanda thinking that her husband had arrived late and was trying to eat something before bed went to the living area and placed her hand on the light switch to turn the bulb on when she saw a tall figure in the kitchen.
It was tall and skinny with a crazy about of her on it's body, she gulped and stepped back but the floorboards creaked and the figure turned around abruptly and vanished.
Amanda panicked and looked around the entire place without a trace of the figure, she then turned slowly behind her and only the darkness met her.
She turned around to finally acknowledge the open front door and there she saw the doodle standing very still and staring at her with piercing white eyes.
Amanda switched the lights on and ran to her dog to pick him up but he ran away from her, on the balcony she saw the tall figure near the trees looking down on her dog.
The animal began to bark loudly whilst the figure stood still.
Amanda, overwhelmed with fear, fainted on the spot.
The young mother woke up to her kids slapping her awake with water guns, her four year old jumping around with their dog whilst her eleven year old sprayed her with a blank expression on his face.
“Oh don't tell me I was sleeping walking again” Amanda groaned before snatching the toy from her son, “go and shower Dylan” the boy ran inside with his sister following close behind.
The doodle stared at Amanda before running inside with the kids.
The events of the previous evening are still ingrained in her mind, she doesn't know if it was real or a very realistic nightmare, Amanda went inside and woke her husband up so he could get ready for work.
The day went as the day before, breakfast kiss, school late night movie watching, but with how her mind had been so occupied with what she saw the night prior Amanda decided to tell her husband about it.
So after she had put the kids to sleep she sat down with Jack and told him everything she saw.
“Well?” She asked her husband, Jack was definitely not expecting something as unbelievable as that when she told him they needed to talk, in fact he was afraid it had something to do with their relationship.
He wrapped an arm around his wife's shoulders and pulled her to him, “don't worry dear” he Whispered kissing her forehead, “you will become one of us too” with that he swallowed her up.

Remember this story has been retold so many times so this version, also known as the spooky Halloween version is untrue. Nobody in the town of Rockshire knows the actual story about the dead House tugged away in the forest, the townsfolk only know that one day the family was happy and the next they were all dead with their skins cut off their flesh.
Ever since that event many people in the town started to experience strange encounters with some folks in the town, some said they saw their neighbours crawling around their house at night, and the next day the very same neighbour would be dead with no skin on his/her flesh.
The chief of police put in a curfew for the people so that no one would ever come across the entities behind the skinning of people in the town, the deaths in the town decreased significantly but people were still dying nonetheless, and many others were saving up to leave.
For twenty years the house, aka the beginning of terror as some of the locals call it, was not ever bought or even rented by anyone.
Until.. one day on June 20th 1996 the Anniversary of the poor family's deaths, a young woman bought the house.
Everyone in the town was more than concerned for her life, all the residents kept the young woman in their prayers every night, and hoped that she would somehow become the reason why the sudden deaths in the town would come to a stop.
Some believed that she was one of the creatures skinning the people in the town, but others believed that she was a good omen, many feared for her life, and a minority wondered why she bought the house in the first place.
Of course no one dared to visit her, the house was an off limits place, strangely enough, the young lady never stepped out either.
But of course she had only been in Rockshire for three days, surely she would step out, perhaps to buy groceries, say hello, visit the bookstore, she was simply settling in.
I hope you are interested, because this marks the beginning of the chronicles of the town of Rockshire Brooks.

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