Chapter two Sloane

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The sun was shining over the forest, the birds were chirping, the dead House looked beautiful, and the newcomer had finally stepped outside the threshold of her new house.
Of course she was the talk of the town before they even saw her face, some said she was stupid to just buy a house without knowing the history behind it, some were concerned for her safety, whereas many admired how ethereal she was.
She had long red hair and freckled skin, beautiful light blue eyes and the softest look that one would think she was foam.
She had on jean overalls and a white T-shirt underneath paired with some white slippers.
The entire town had their eyes on the stranger, but she had her hungry eyes set on the diner.
The bells at the top of the diner's doors rang out loud as she walked inside, the red head passed by many whispering booths and settled on one near the windows a bit far away from everyone else, she grabbed the manual and checked her options.
“Eggs benedict- shrugging the young lady called for a waitress and was soon joined by another young lady who seemed to be slightly older than her. 
“Uhh can I have a pancake, umm… some orange juice and uh a diet coke” the waitress wrote down her order and walked away but not without glancing back at her in total admiration.

The red head looked out the window at the  passer byers, many rushing folks with their children, and one confident man in a uniform, he had his thumbs inside the loops of his pants as he strutted inside the diner.

Both her food and the strange man arrived at her table at the same time.

“Hello miss” the man's deep rough voice rumbled, all eyes were on them now, “hi” red straightened her posture and reached her hand forward, “I'm Sloane Micheal, you must be the cherif” her accent was noticeable through her speech but if anything it made her sound even more attractive.

The cherif shook her head and tipped his hat, “yes siree miss” 

“I read all about you in the paper- you're a hero” he saved countless people from the alleged strange creatures that were terrosing the town, Sloane of course didn't quite believe it all but she needed to butter him up in case he had anything to say.

“I do all I can” she smiled, “how may I help you this fine morning?” He tensed up for split second then relaxed, his hand was grazing the red leather booth as if he was contemplating whether he wanted to sit down or keep standing.

“I heard there was a newcomer and I thought I should come and say hi- “ Sloane tilted her head causing her silky red her to fall on her shoulders, “is that all cherif?” 

“And i- “ he came to a decision to sit down, leaning forward he said, “if you need anything, anything at all you see anything come straight to me alright?” She nodded with a sly smile on her face.

Without a tremble she pushed the diet coke to him, “have this-” 
“No I could never” 

“Please, I insist” she smiled and batted her eyes at him, the cherif took the drink despite not wanting to tipped his hat at her one last time before leaving the diner.

Sloane stabbed her pancake with her fork and took a rather big bite of the breakfast food.

Later that day Sloan went to her house with a few bags in hand, some takeout from the diner and groceries from the market, the sun was setting and the sky had become a bright beautiful shade of orange.

The house was still under renovation, some men were fixing the new tiles, whilst some painted the completed rooms, one being her bedroom.

Sloan placed the groceries and takeout on the dining table before opening the fridge to pour some lemonade for the men, she took out six glasses and poured an equal amount for each person.

“Thank you” said one as he took the glass.

Sloan went to the porch and placed the rest of the lemonade there before going back inside, she took out her groceries, and takeout and put them all in the fridge.

She poured herself a glass before sitting down to relax. The house was coming together very well, so far she hadn't found anything strange,  other than the dead mistress of the house’ journal and a few kid's toys.

She was yet to read but she was planning on digging into the history further, after the renovations, because she couldn't possibly live in a broken down house, it smelled bad, it was messy, the walls were practically coming off, and the stairs at the front was a deathtrap.

So far nothing proved that the family had been taken away by some creature of any kind, it looked to her that the townsfolk were making up stories to keep people out, it wouldn't be the first, and certainly not the last.

Sloan was dead set on proving to everyone outside the threshold of the town, that every newspaper was simply a lie, a folktale basically.

If anything it looked like the family had run away because of their own paranoia, that sounded more probable than the story they were telling.

But she would find out soon, once she had settled in, Sloan would find out all there is about the town and the ever changing story of Amanda Barnes.

The night came fast, the men had to bring their work to a stop and go down to the town and settle in an Inn.

Unlike Sloan they were quite scared of the stories that the townsfolk told them, but of course they needed the money, and Sloan was offering them a lot.

She closed her door, pulled the curtains close and surrounded the entrance with salt, if what the townsfolk were saying was true, they weren't just mere creatures, she believed that they could be of some demonic origin.

If it was true.

She spread salt around her bed, locked the door, and made sure to keep the wretched bathroom door closed before getting in bed in her pink nightgown.

The journal was on her pillow, waiting. Sloan picked it up and opened it to the first page…

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14 ⏰

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