Bang. An explosion, but not of a solitary force- two spurts of viscera erupted from the head, in opposing directions. Two bullets entered and exited in synchronicity, two clean kills on the same, poor man. Ashe wasn't alone, as much as she'd like to be- even the detonation from her hollow point wouldn't form two sets of wounds.
And so she moved. She'd done the job, the target was dead, and she had no reason to stick around and find who that person was: that would risk losing her head, or being found by security of the building she was on. She had too much of a bounty to let that happen. So she kept her nerves still and straight, and hopped down the fire escape to her bike- a makeshift collection of old Harley parts and repulsors cheaply sourced from the new west: but it gets the job done.
Starting the thing up and holstering the viper on her back mount, she raced off before any authorities would have a chance to find her.
Even after returning to base, receiving the money and a fun night of celebrations with her friends and colleagues, something plagued her mind- who fired the other bullet? Even after all was said and done, even after she laid in the pitch black room above the abandoned saloon she called home, she thought of it. Like a disease, a poisonous rot gnawing at her mind and filling her with sleeplessness, it remained throughout the night. The thought sat so uncomfortably in her mind that she was forced to take to the roof, bringing a bottle of whiskey and a cigar with her. There was a bench for nights like these, ones where closing her eyes made it even harder to slip into unconsciousness.
The Blissful Eternity
FanfictionAn Overwatch 2 Ouihaw fanfic (that's Widowmaker x Ashe), taking place in a universe where Amélie's suppression fails to keep her in talon, and Elizabeth's "simple job" turns Into a lot more trouble than a single shot.