Late night talkin'.

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''So, what do you wanna talk about?'' I sit down on the bed next to Langa and smile. He looks at me as we lean back against the wall almost in unison. ''Hm, you.'' He smiles nonchalantly. This sudden statement causes my face to heat up and my lips purse up a little. ''Me?'' ''Yeah, you.'' His smile still strong on his face. ''What about me?'' ''Well, I don't know, how about...'' He hesitates before he speaks again, ''You got a crush on anyone, or anything like that?'' My smile twitches slightly and my face heats up a little more. ''Well... Not exactly, I don't know- Um- I'm not the best at talking about my feelings. What else do you wanna know about me, ask me anything else.'' ''Hmmm...'' He looks up slightly, his hand resting on his chin as he thinks, I watch him, tracking each tiny movement as if I had to memorise each one.

''We can talk about skating, or school?--'' Suddenly, my mom bursts into the room and looks us up and down. ''No, you'll talk about nothing, go to bed.'' She switches the light of and closes the door, we share a syncronised giggle and lie down in my bed. Although a twin bed wasn't exacty the best sized bed for two 17 year olds, we made it work. We did have to lie in pretty close quarters, but we never seemed to find it weird or uncomfortable, and we settled just fine. Langa seemed to be the first to fall asleep, as soon as he fell alsleep I turn to face him. Something about his soft breath hitting my face comforted me, and with that I fell asleep almost straight away.

The next morning Langa woke up first, most likely since he fell asleep first. Shortly after this, I woke up, as I sit up we make eye-contact. I sleepily lift my head up and yawn, rubbing my eyes. As I do that, I hear Langas soft laughter, this caused me to subconciously smile. ''Mnh... Morning...'' My voice was soft and low as I spoke, considering I'd just woken up. ''Haha morning Reki, you sleep ok?'' His voice was soft and gentle, and I swore I could feel his hand brushing through my hair but I didn't process it quick enough, since usually when I've just woken up my brain is a little behind. ''Mnh..mhm..'' I nod as I wake myself up properly and stretch. ''What time is it...?'' ''7:15'' ''Mnh..'' I sit myself up and yawn, my bed hair was wild.

Eventually, with plenty of persuasion and laughing, I sit up, scratching my head and yawning again. ''I'll grab our uniforms from the wash and then we can change, same changing arrangements as usual.'' I said that with a small yawn. I then get up off the bed and walk out of the room and into the washroom, taking both of our uniforms out of the dryer before organising them with who's belongs to who. I take the clothes back into my room and hand Langa his. He smiles and looks up at me as he sits on the edge of my bed, ''Thanks.'' I can't help but smile and nod ''You're welcome..'' I then walk into the bathroom, locking the door behind me. A few moments later Langa calls out to me that he's ready to go.

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