Eras Tour

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Ik Lux is like seventeen BUT it doesn't seem right if this is her first time going out and she's seventeen. So she's thirteen in this story!

"Mom!" Lux called out from her room to her mother. "What honey?" Tree comes into Lux's room. "Does this look okay to wear to the show?"

Lux has never been able to go to any of Taylor's concerts with Tree because Tree likes to keep info about her private and doesn't want to expose her to the toxic world of the media and paparazzi.

"Young lady that is way too short!" Tree says with an exasperated tone

"It's not that bad! The dress is just a little short." Lux tries to pull down the tight maroon dress

"Yes it is. It's very short. Put on something longer or some tights," Lux rolls her eyes and nods. Tree closes the door and goes into her and Lances room. "Kids.." she rolls her eyes at him jokingly and he laughs. "Hey, you were the one who wanted her to come with."

"Yeah but still. And I'm kind of scared that the media will say stuff and she will see. She has social media and could see anything they say about her." She sighs and sits at her vanity to get ready.

Tree never really gets dressed up for the tours. Well she wears her usual dresses but nothing too special. She just does her usual business casual since that is her job and she goes to every one of those shows.

"Yeah well she'll be okay, Lux acts like you." He stands up and kisses her shoulder then leaves the room
They get to the stadium and go into Taylor's dressing room. Lux sees Taylor's makeup getting done by Lorrie.

Lux and Taylor see each other sometimes when it's not in public but this is the first time at an actual event.

"Hey Tay!" Lux says happily. Taylor looks at her in the mirror and smiles. She turns her head and Lorrie scolds her. "Hey Lux, Tree finally let you out of jail huh?"

Taylor chuckles and Tree raises an eyebrow. "I'll cancel that trip to Florida this summer if you keep it up."

Taylor rolls her eyes. "See what I'm taking about, Lux? She's a warden."

"Watch it." Tree lightly slaps her shoulder and goes to help one of the tech guys.

"This is your first Eras Tour, hm?" Taylor asks Lux. "Yeah. I'm kinda scared. What are people gonna say or do? Will they all like me?" Lorrie finishes Taylor's makeup and she stands up and puts a hand on Lux's shoulder. "Don't worry L, they'll love you. You're so sweet and funny."

Lux smiles and looks down. "Thanks Tay," Taylor nods and smiles. She goes to change into her Lover bodysuit and Tree comes up to Lux

"We need to get ready to go out there now honey," Tree says and Lux nods. Lux holds her mom's hand and Tree smiles softly to herself since Lux never really is affectionate anymore.

They go out and walk by the crowd. Lux is immediately entranced by the hundreds of thousands of people. "Woah.." she whispers to herself and Tree chuckles, a rare moment in history.

All the swifties are recording and holding bracelets out for Lux and Tree to get. "I LOVE YOU TREE!!" They hold up heart hands at Tree and all scream. Lux smiles at how much they love her mother.

One of them yell, "IS THAT LUX?!" And Lux smiles and nods. She tries to yell over the crowd "Yes I'm her!!" And they go crazy.

Once they get in the tent she sees Andrea and looks up at her and Scott with a smile. "Hey guys! This is my first Eras Tour!" And Andrea smiles. "Do you want a bracelet? I've got a bunch of them from Tays 'Swifties'."

"Uhm obviously!" She says enthusiastically and Andrea hands her one that says "No it's Becky". Lux puts it on and asks her mother "who's Becky?"

"Becky is this girl that died and someone posted a picture about it and there was a comment that said 'I'm pretty sure that's Taylor Swift' and someone answered with 'No it's Becky'. It's really stupid." Tree rolls her eyes and hides a smirk.

"That's uhm interesting.." Lux says and Gracie Abram's comes out on stage. "That's not Taylor!" She says, confused.

"That's an opener honey. She plays before Tay. You've met Gracie before. Remember that time we were at Taylor's birthday party and you saw her and she gave you a drink of wine." Tree rolls her eyes as she recalls the memory.

"Oh yeah!! That's the girl! I like her." She says happily and sways to her performance. Some swifties are recording her and she notices and waves at them. They all go crazy and wave back.
The time comes for the surprise songs and Taylor comes out in the..YELLOW DRESS. All the swifties scream and Lux hears some of them saying the yellow dress means chaos. Lux decides to ask one of them. She makes her way to the edge of the tent and asks one of them "why is everyone saying the yellow dress is chaos?" She seems confused and the swiftie laughs and smiles then says, "well there are people at the shows who livestream these concerts and whenever mother is wearing the yellow dress she plays the good songs and people get mad that they weren't here for it!"

Lux nods then asks, "mother?" And the swiftie nods. "We all call her mother. We don't know why but we all have just started calling her that!" Lux nods and smiles "thanks!" She says then walks back next to her mother and she hears Taylor start to sing. All the swifties scream. Lux doesn't know really any Taylor Swift songs other than her popular ones so she doesn't know the titles.
After the surprise songs play it moves onto Midnights and her and are about to go backstage but she tells Tree "Wait I need to ask one of the swifties something!" Tree nods and rolls her eyes. Lux walks over to the same girl she talked to before. "What songs were those?"

"It was Sparks Fly mashed up with I Can Fix Him (No Really I Can) for the guitar songs and for the piano it was I Look In Peoples Windows mashup with Snow On The Beach!" The girl says happily.

"Oh thank you so much!" Lux says before her and Tree go back into Taylor's dressing room. Tree looks at Lux. "Did you like it honey?" She asks and Lux nods happily. "I loved it so much!! My favorite part was the man because that choreography was so fun!" She says as they wait for Taylor.

They hear all the Midnights songs play then karma starts and they go and wait by the exit. When Taylor finishes her bow there is a slight silence and then the crowd erupts in more roars.

Taylor appears as she walks towards them. She is wearing a shirt with a cat on it and yoga pants. Taylor waves to all the fans and blows them a kiss
When Lux and Tree get home Lux showers and changes into pajamas and Tree goes and does the same. When Tree gets out of the shower she lays next to Lance. "Lux loved it so much. She was so happy and learned a lot about Taylor. I'm glad she loves her as much as i do."

Lance smiles and kisses her cheek and all around her face. "I'm glad she did too. Maybe you can start taking her to more events now that you know how she'll act around it."

Tree nods and lays closely to Lance.

OKAY HEY GUYSS. PLEASE VOTE AND COMMENT. IF YOU HAVE REQUESTS LET ME KNOW. I'm already loving these oneshots and I'm proud of this one because I did it completely by myself soooo.

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